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Volume 1
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Peer-review process
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ISSN (electronic): 2640-7345
ISSN (print): 2640-7337
Author Index
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Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial was formerly published (without the subtitle) at Ghent University starting in 2005, and was adopted by MSP in 2018 at the request of the editors.

Aims and scope

Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial publishes carefully selected and peer-reviewed original research papers of the highest quality about all aspects of incidence geometry and its applications. These include

  • finite and combinatorial geometry,
  • rank-2 geometries,
  • geometry of groups,
  • Tits-buildings and diagram geometries,
  • incidence geometric aspects of algebraic geometry,
  • incidence geometric aspects of algebraic combinatorics,
  • computational aspects,
  • arrangements of hyperplanes,
  • abstract polytopes and convex polytopes,
  • tropical and F1 geometry,
  • matroids,
  • Coxeter groups and root systems,
  • topological geometry,
  • applications of incidence geometry (including coding theory, cryptography, quantum information theory).

A short history of IIG

The journal Innovations in Incidence Geometry (IIG) was an initiative of Jef Thas, Koen Thas, and Hendrik Van Maldeghem, and since its foundation in 2005 IIG has grown into a highly regarded journal, cited inside and outside the community of people working in incidence geometry.

Initially, IIG was published through Ghent University, with the practical work of copyediting and monitoring submissions being undertaken by the founding editors. As the journal grew we were delighted that IIG was taken under the wing of MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers) in 2018, with their experience taking the journal to a higher level. Indeed, to emphasize this development the name and scope of the journal was extended to Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial

In 2021 the managing editors passed the editorial responsibilities of IIG to a new board of managing editors. We, the new managing editors, are delighted by the opportunity. The scope of IIG has been further updated and expanded to reflect the growth in incidence geometry and its applications. We are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with MSP over the many years to come!

The Managing Editors (2021),
  Anton Betten
  Michael Cuntz
  Dimitri Leemans
  Oliver Lorscheid
  James Parkinson
  Koen Thas

Ethics and policies

Information about the journal's editorial principles, its policies for authors, the handling of complaints and appeals, and copyright and licensing can be found here.

Peer-review process

This journal operates a single-anonymized review process (the names of the reviewers are hidden from the author). You can read about the peer-review process, including expectations and responsibilities for the journal and for reviewers, here.

Publication schedule

IIG publishes 2 issues per year, on an irregular schedule.


Journal access and fees

Access to the journal is by subscription. All articles become free to access and read six years past publication (meaning on the sixth January 1st after the publication date). The journal does not charge any author fees.

Preservation of access

To ensure the long-term availability of our published online content, MSP is a member of CLOCKSS and of the Global LOCKSS Network.


Authors may submit manuscripts in PDF format here.

Authors should follow these submission guidelines.

About the publisher

The journal is published by MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers), alongside other top journals. MSP is a nonprofit who believes that fair-priced scholar-led subscription journals remain the best stewards of quality and fairness, and strives to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices. MSP also developed EditFlow, the popular peer-review web application.

Mailing address

2000 Allston Way #59, Berkeley, CA 94701-4004, USA


IIG is indexed in


Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial
First published: 2005.
Size/periodicity: 2 issues per year.
ISSN (electronic): 2640-7345.
ISSN (print): 2640-7337.
Dimensions: 7×10in (17.8×25.4cm).