Xi, Changchang
Derived decompositions of abelian categories, I
Xi, Nanhua
A commutation formula for root vectors\\ in quantized enveloping algebras
Xia, Bo
Preservation of log-Sobolev inequalities under some Hamiltonian flows
Xia, Changyu
Hadamard-Frankel type theorems for manifolds with partially positive curvature
Inequalities for the Navier and Dirichlet eigenvalues of elliptic operators
Isoperimetric bounds for lower order eigenvalues
Xia, Chao
An optimal anisotropic Poincaré inequality for convex domains
Hypersurfaces with constant curvature quotients in warped product manifolds
Liouville theorems for $f$-harmonic maps into Hadamard spaces
Xia, Ernest
Interlacing Log-concavity of the Boros-Moll Polynomials
Xia, Eugene Z.
The moduli of flat PU(2,1) structures on Riemann surfaces
Topological dynamics on moduli spaces, I
Xia, Jingbo
Rigged non-tangential maximal function associated\\with Toeplitz operators and Hankel operators
Xia, Wei
BCOV torsion and degenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Xiang, Fei
A generalization of Gauchman's rigidity theorem
Xiang, Ni
Smooth solutions to the Gauss image problem
Xiao, Dongmei
On the configurations of centers of planar Hamiltonian Kolmogorov cubic polynomial differential systems
Xiao, Jie
Xiao, Liang
Lorentzian isoparametric hypersurfaces in $H_1^{n+1}$
Xiao, Stanley
Binary quartic forms with bounded invariants and small Galois groups
Xiao, Ti-Jun
Differential operators and $C$-wellposedness\\of complete second order abstract\\ Cauchy problems
On complete second order linear differential equations in Banach spaces
Xiao, Wei
Dirac cohomology and orthogonality relations for weight modules
Xie, Baohua
Complex hyperbolic (3,3,n) triangle groups
Generators of the Gauss--Picard modular group in three complex dimensions
Xie, Fei
Toric surfaces over an arbitrary field
Xie, Qihong
Decomposition of de Rham complexes with smooth horizontal coefficients for semistable reductions
Xie, Xiangdong
Quasisymmetric homeomorphisms on reducible Carnot groups
Xin, Bin
Quantization of Hamiltonian type Lie agebras
Xin, Yuan Long
Boundary value problem of\\harmonic maps into $\mathbb{CP}^n$ and $\mathbb{QP}^n$
Heat flow of equivariant harmonic maps from $\mathbb{B}^3$ into $\mathbb{CP}^2$
Xin, Zhouping
The existence of a 3-D transonic shock in a curved nozzle with the axisymmetric exit pressure
The monotonicity and uniqueness of a 3-D transonic shock solution in a conic nozzle with variable end pressure
Three-dimensional transonic shocks in a nozzle
Xiong, Changwei
Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities for convex hypersurfaces in hyperbolic space and in sphere
Stability of capillary hypersurfaces in a Euclidean ball
Xiong, Wei
On certain Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series on $G_2$
Xiping, Liu
Positive solutions for nonlinear third-order multi-point
Xu, Bin
Conformal metrics with constant curvature one and finitely many conical singularities on compact Riemann surfaces
Xu, Bing
Fixed-point results and the Hyers--Ulam stability of linear equations of higher orders
Xu, Boyan
The Graph Laplacian and Morse Inequalities
Xu, Chengkang
On Whittaker modules for a Lie algebra arising from the 2-dimensional torus
Xu, Fei
A remark on spinor norms of local integral rotations. I
Generation of integral orthogonal groups over dyadic local fields
Integral spinor norms in dyadic local fields. I
Xu, Feng
Strong additivity and conformal nets
The flat part of non-flat orbifolds
Xu, Guoyi
The short time asymptotics of Nash entropy
Xu, Hang
On a property of Bergman kernels when the Kahler potential is analytic
Xu, Hao
Spanning trees and random walks on weighted graphs
Xu, Hongwei
A generalization of Gauchman's rigidity theorem
A new gap for complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in space forms
Gap theorems for complete $\lambda$-hypersurfaces
L^p Ricci curvature pinching theorems for conformally flat Riemannian manifolds
Surface diffusion flow of arbitrary codimension in space forms
Xu, Jinju
Geometric properties of level curves of harmonic functions and minimal graphs in 2-dimensional space forms
Xu, Mang
$G$-bundles over elliptic curves for non-simply laced Lie groups and configurations of lines in rational surfaces
Xu, Ming
Finsler spheres with constant flag curvature and finite orbits of prime closed geodesics
Xu, Ping
Pseudodifferential operators on differential groupoids
Xu, Qinghua
On the coefficient inequalities for some classes of holomorphic mappings in complex Banach spaces
Xu, Quanhua
Fourier multipliers for $L_p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ via $q$-variation
Xu, Xiangsheng
On the Cauchy problem for a singular parabolic equation
Xu, Xiao
$RLL$-realization of Two-parameter Quantum Affine Algebra in Type $D_n^{(1)}$
Xu, Xiaowei
On the construction of Lagrangian submanifolds in CP^n
Xu, Xingwang
+ Conformal vector fields and $\sigma_k-$scalar curvatures
Classification of solutions of certain fourth order nonlinear elliptic equations in R4
On the classification of stable solutions to biharmonic problems in large dimensions
On the existence of extremal metrics
Uniqueness and a priori estimates for some nonlinear elliptic Neumannequations in $\mathbb R^3$
Xu, Xu
3-dimensional discrete curvature flows and discrete Einstein metrics
Xu, Yeren
Interpolation submanifolds of the unitary group
Xu, Youyu
Symmetric minimal surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$
Xue, Liutang
On the differentiability issue of the drift-diffusion equation with nonlocal Lévy-type diffusion
Xue, Qingying
On the boundedness of multilinear fractional strong maximal operator with multiple weights
Xue, Yifeng
Determinant rank of $C^*$-algebras