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ISSN 1945-5844 (electronic)
ISSN 0030-8730 (print)
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Intrinsic components in involution centralizers of fusion systems  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael Aschbacher

Central nilpotency of left skew braces and solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation

Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches, Ramón Esteban-Romero, Maria Ferrara, Vicent Pérez-Calabuig, Marco Trombetti

On good $A_1$ subgroups, Springer maps, and overgroups of distinguished unipotent elements in reductive groups  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael Bate, Sören Böhm, Benjamin Martin, Gerhard Röhrle

Positive knots and ribbon concordance

Joe Boninger

Hyperbolic L-space knots not concordant to algebraic knots

Maciej Borodzik, Masakazu Teragaito

The q-Schur category and polynomial tilting modules for quantum GL(n)  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Jonathan Brundan

Canonical metric connections with constant holomorphic sectional curvature

Shuwen Chen, Fangyang Zheng

Weighted total variation minimization problem with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions

Samer Dweik

The binary actions of simple groups of Lie type of characteristic 2  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Nick Gill, Pierre Guillot, Martin W. Liebeck

Finite simple groups have many classes of $p$-elements  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael Giudici, Luke Morgan, Cheryl E. Praeger

Monogamous subvarieties of the nilpotent cone  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Simon M. Goodwin, Rachel Pengelly, David I. Stewart, Adam R. Thomas

An extension of Gow's theorem  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Robert M. Guralnick, Pham Huu Tiep

Representations of $SL_2(F)$

Guy Henniart, Marie-France Vignéras

Transposed Poisson superalgebra structures on twisted N=1 Block Lie superalgebra

Anqi Huang, Yun Gao, Jiancai Sun

On dimensions of RoCK blocks of cyclotomic quiver Hecke superalgebras  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Alexander Kleshchev

Representation growth of Fuchsian groups and modular forms  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael J. Larsen, Jay Taylor, Pham Huu Tiep

Gary Seitz (1943--2023): In Memoriam  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Martin W. Liebeck, Gerhard Röhrle, Donna Testerman

Constructible representations and Catalan numbers  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

George Lusztig, Eric Sommers

A reduction theorem for simple groups with $e(G) = 3$  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Richard Lyons, Ronald Solomon

Decomposition numbers in the principal block and Sylow normalisers  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Gunter Malle, Noelia Rizo

Levi decompositions of linear algebraic groups and non-abelian cohomology  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

George J. McNinch

On the intersection of principal blocks  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Gabriel Navarro, A. A. Schaeffer Fry, Pham Huu Tiep

Hesselink strata in small characteristic and Lusztig-Xue pieces  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Alexander Premet

Multiplicity-free representations of the principal A1-subgroup in a simple algebraic group  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Aluna Rizzoli, Donna Testerman

Regular poles for spinor L-series attached to split Bessel models of GSp(4)

Mirko Rösner, Rainer Weissauer

CR Yamabe constant and inequivalent CR structures

Chanyoung Sung, Yuya Takeuchi

The weights of isolated curve singularities are determined by Hodge ideals

Yang Wang, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Huaiqing Zuo