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ISSN: 1945-5844 (e-only)
ISSN: 0030-8730 (print)
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Integrality relations for polygonal dissections

Aaron Abrams, James Pommersheim

The $h$-principle for maps transverse to bracket-generating distributions

Aritra Bhowmick

The Restriction of Efficient Geodesics to the Non-separating Complex of Curves

Seth Hovland, Greg Vinal

Differential calculus for generalized geometry and geometric Lax flows

Shengda Hu

On dimensions of RoCK blocks of cyclotomic quiver Hecke superalgebras  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Alexander Kleshchev

On multiplicity-free weight modules over quantum affine algebras

Xingpeng Liu

Decomposition numbers in the principal block and Sylow normalisers  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Gunter Malle, Noelia Rizo

Noncommutative tensor triangular geometry: classification via Noetherian spectra

James Rowe