Zabrocki, Michael
Expressions for Catalan Kronecker products
Zabrodsky, Alexander
Covering spaces of paracompact spaces
Zacher, Giovanni
The finite simple groupshave complemented subgroup lattices
Zadeh, Safoura
Hankel operators on $L^p({\mathbb R}_+)$ and their $p$-completely bounded multipliers
Zafran, Misha
On the spectra of multipliers
Zaheer, Neyamat
On generalized polars of the product of abstract homogeneous polynomials
Zaimi, Meri
Fused Hecke algebra and one-boundary algebras
Zaine, M. C.
On the strong compact-ported topology for spaces of holomorphic mappings
Zajączkowski, Wojciech
Local solvability of nonstationary leakage problem for ideal incompressible fluid. II
Zaks, Abraham
A note on semi-primary hereditary rings
Simple modules and hereditary rings
Zaks, Joseph
Correction to: ``Trivially extending decompositions of $E^n$''
Trivially extending decompositions of $E^{n}$
Zalduendo, Ignacio
Homogeneous spectral sets and local-global methods in Banach algebras
Sheaves and functional calculus
Spectral sets as Banach manifolds
Zalik, Richard
Integral representation of Tchebycheff systems
Zame, Alan
Functionally compact spaces
Zame, William
Algebras of analytic functions in the plane
Extendibility, boundedness and sequential convergence in spaces of holomorphic functions
The classification of uniform algebras on plane domains
Zamfirescu, Tudor
Curvature properties of typical convex surfaces
On $l$-simplicial convexity in vector spaces
On the cut locus in Alexandrov spaces and applications to convex surfaces
Zampieri, Giuseppe
A new class of ``boundary regular'' microdifferential systems
Regularity at the boundary and tangential regularity of solutions of the Cauchy--Riemann system
Zander, Vernon
Products of finitely additive set functions from Orlicz spaces
Zanin, Dmitriy
Disjointification inequalities in symmetric quasi-Banach spaces and their applications
Invariant Banach limits and applications to noncommutative geometry
Lorentz-Shimogaki and Arazy-Cwikel theorems revisited
Zapponi, Leonardo
Specialization of polynomial covers of prime degree
Zarantonello, Eduardo H.
The closure of the numerical range contains the spectrum
Zarantonello, Sergio
A representation of $H^p$-functions with $0 < p < \infty$
The sheaf of $H^{p}$-functions in product domains
The sheaf of outer functions in the polydisc
Zaremsky, Matthew
The Brin--Thompson groups $sV\!$ are of type $\F_\infty$
Zarikian, Vrej
One-sided$M$-Ideals and multipliers \\ in operator spaces, I
Zarnócz, Tamás
On the volume bound in the Dvoretzky--Rogers lemma
Zassenhaus, Hans
On the similarity transformation between a matirx and its transpose
On tightest packings in the Minkowski plane
Zastrow, Andreas
On the (non)-coincidence of Milnor--Thurston homology theory with singular homology theory
Zedan, Hassan
Symmetry and Painleve analysis of generalized Zakharov equations
Żelazko, Wiesław
A characterization of LC-nonremovable ideals in commutative Banach algebras
Zelinsky, Daniel
Automorphisms of separable algebras
Željko, Matjaž
Uncountably many inequivalentLipschitz homogeneous Cantor sets in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$
Zelmanov, Efim
Inversion invariant additive subgroups of division rings
Zelmanowitz, Julius
Orders in simple Artinian rings are strongly equivalent to matrix rings
Subdirect sum decompositions of endomorphism rings
Zemanian, Armen
Complex inversion for the generalized convolution transformation
Zemková, Kristýna
Vishik equivalence and similarity of quasilinear p-forms and totally singular quadratic forms
Zemmer, Joseph
Some remarks on $p$-rings and their Boolean geometry
Zeng, Fanqi
Monotonicity of eigenvalues of geometric operaters along the Ricci-Bourguignon flow
Zeng, Guangxin
Homogeneous Stellensätze in semialgebraic geometry
Zeng, Lingzhong
Eigenvalues of the drifting Laplacian on smooth metric measure spaces
Zeng, Qiang
Ultraproduct methods for mixed $q$-Gaussian algebras
Zeng, Ziting
Modules over the planar Galilean conformal algebra arising from free modules of rank one
Unitary representations of the extended affine Lie algebra
Zenor, Phillip
Metrization of spaces with countable large basis dimension
On spaces with regular $G_{\delta}$-diagonals
Zerger, Tom
Contraction criteria for reducible rational curves with components of length one in smooth complex threefolds
Zerouali, El Hassan
Recursive relations, Jacobi matrices, moment problems and continued fractions
Zettl, Anton
Hermitian and anti-hermitian properties of Green's matrices
Zeytuncu, Yunus
A local weighted Axler-Zheng theorem in $\mathbb{C}^n$
Lp regularity of weighted Szegö projections on the unit disc
Zhai, Shujie
Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures, II
Zhang, Bin
A conical approach to Laurent expansions for multivariate meromorphic germs with linear poles
Zhang, Biran
Symmetry and non-existence of solutions for a fully nonlinear nonlocal system
Zhang, Caifeng
Ground state solutions of polyharmonic equations with potentials of positive low bound
Zhang, Chong
An orthogonality relation for spherical characters of supercuspidal representations
Zhang, De-Qi
Miranda--Persson's problem on extremal elliptic K3 surfaces
On Kummer type construction of supersingular K3 surfaces in characteristic 2
Zhang, Dekai
Hessian equations on closed Hermitian manifolds
Zhang, Genkai
Hilbert spaces of tensor-valued holomorphic functions on the unit ball of ${\mathbb C}^n$
Reproducing kernels and composition series for spaces of vector-valued holomorphic functions
Zhang, Guohua
On recurrence over subsets and weak mixing
Zhang, Hong
Prescribing the Boundary Geodesic Curvature on a Compact Scalar-flat Riemann Surface Via a Flow Method
Zhang, Huiqing
Payne--Polya--Weinberger type inequalities for eigenvalues of nonelliptic operators
Zhang, James
Cancellation problem for AS-Regular algebras of dimension three
Quantum Weyl algebras and deformations of $U(g)$
Restricted Poisson algebras
Zhang, Jiajin
$G$-bundles over elliptic curves for non-simply laced Lie groups and configurations of lines in rational surfaces
Zhang, Jihui
Symmetry and Nonexistence of Positive Solutions for Fractional Choquard Equations
Zhang, Junyong
Linear restriction estimates for the wave equation with an inverse square potential
Maximal estimates for Schr\"{o}dinger equations with inverse-square potential
Zhang, Lei
Nondegeneracy of Gauss curvature equation with negative conic singularity
Zhang, Lei
Poles of certain residual Eisenstein series of classical groups
Zhang, Liang-Cheng
A certain quotient of eta-functions found in Ramanujan's lost notebook
Zhang, Liangdi
Classification of gradient expanding and steady Ricci solitons
Zhang, Liyou
On some properties of squeezing functions on bounded domains
On the uniform squeezing property of bounded convex domains in C^n
Zhang, Pu
Monic representations and Gorenstein-projective modules
Zhang, Qi
Correction to the article "Local estimates on two linearparabolic equations with singular coefficients"
Criticality of the axially symmetric Navier-Stokes equations
Local estimates on two linear parabolic equations with singular coefficients
Positive solutions to $\Delta u - V u + W u^p =0 $\\ and its parabolic counterpart \\in noncompact manifolds
Stability of the Cheng-Yau gradient estimate
Strong non-collapsing and uniform Sobolev inequalities for Ricci flow with surgeries
Structure of solutions of 3D Axi-symmetric Navier-Stokes Equations near Maximal Points
Zhang, Qing
A strong multiplicity one theorem for $SL_2$
An addendum to ``a strong multiplicity one theorem for SL(2)"
Zhang, Qing
Congruence Subgroups and Super-Modular Categories
Zhang, Ruibin
Cellularity of certain quantum endomorphism algebras
Zhang, Shijin
3-dimensional discrete curvature flows and discrete Einstein metrics
Zhang, Shuang
Certain $C^\ast$-algebras with real rank zero and their corona and multiplier algebras. Part I
Diagonalizing projections in multiplier algebras and in matrices over a $C^*$-algebra
Rectifiable diameters of the Grassmann spaces of certain von Neumann algebras and C*-algebras
Zhang, Wei
Geometric properties of level curves of harmonic functions and minimal graphs in 2-dimensional space forms
Zhang, Weinian
Fixed-point results and the Hyers--Ulam stability of linear equations of higher orders
Zhang, Weiping
Analytic and topological invariants associated to nowhere zero vector fields
Zhang, Weiyi
Geometric structures, the Gromov order, Kodaira dimensions and simplicial volume
Zhang, Xiang
Hopf bifurcation in higher dimensional differential systems via the averaging method
Melnikov functions for period annulus, nondegenerate centers,\\ heteroclinic and homoclinic cycles
Zhang, Xianke
Steinitz class of Mordell--Weilgroups\\ of elliptic curves\\ with complex multiplication
Zhang, Xiao
The heat flow and harmonic maps \\on a class of manifolds
Zhang, Xiaofei
Loewner chains applied to $g$-starlike mappings of complex order of complex Banach spaces
Zhang, Xiaojin
Tilting modules over Auslander-Gorenstein algebras
Zhang, Xiaoting
2-categories of symmetric bimodules and their 2-representations
Zhang, Xiaoyi
On the isentropic compressible Euler equations with adiabatic index \gamma=1
Zhang, Xin
Hopf cyclic cohomology for non-compact $G$-manifolds with boundary
Zhang, Xingru
Notes on tangles, 2-handle additions and exceptional Dehn fillings
Zhang, Yajing
A Liouville-type theorem for semilinear elliptic systems via moving spheres
Zhang, Yi
Hopf algebra of multi-decorated rooted forests, free matching Rota-Baxter algebras and Gröbner-Shirshov bases
Weighted infinitesimal unitary bialgebras on rooted forests and weighted cocycles
Zhang, Ying
McShane's identity for classical Schottky groups
Zhang, Yinhuo
Calabi-Yau property under monoidal Morita-Takeuchi equivalence
Zhang, Yongjia
Compactness theorems for 4-dimensional gradient Ricci solitons
Zhang, Yongzheng
Odd Hamiltonian Superalgebras and Special Odd Hamiltonian Superalgebras of Formal Vector Fields
The natural filtrations of finite-dimensional modular Lie superalgebras of Witt and Hamiltonian type
Zhang, Yuanli
The holomorphy and nonvanishing of normalized \\local intertwining operators
Zhang, Yuanyuan
Free Rota-Baxter family algebras and (tri)dendriform family algebras
Zhang, Yuanzhang
Global classical solutions to hyperbolic geometric flow on Riemann surfaces
Zhang, Yue
Sufficient conditions for compactness of the $\overline{\partial}$-Neumann operator on high level forms
Zhang, Zhenliang
On homogeneous and inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation over the fields of formal power series
Zhang, Zhifei
Global well-posedness for the 3D rotating Navier--Stokes equations with highly oscillating initial data
Zhang, Zhifen
Chebyshev property\\ of complete elliptic integrals\\ and its application to abelian integrals
Zhang, Zhu-Hong
Gradient shrinking solitons with vanishing Weyl tensor
Zhao, Chang-An
Algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes over large fields are asymptotically threshold
Zhao, En-Tao
Gap theorems for complete $\lambda$-hypersurfaces
L^p Ricci curvature pinching theorems for conformally flat Riemannian manifolds
Notes on the extension of the mean curvature flow
Zhao, Fayou
Transference of certain maximal Hilbert transforms on the torus
Zhao, Haoran
Notes on the extension of the mean curvature flow
Zhao, Jiefeng
Global well-posedness for the 2D fractional Boussinesq equations in the subcritical case
Zhao, Jun Feng
The ordering structure on Banach spaces
Zhao, Kaiming
Classifying zeros of two-sided quaternionic polynomials and computing zeros of two-sided polynomials with complex coefficients
Generalized Cartan type S Lie algebras in characteristic 0 (II)
Zhao, Lei
Representations of Lie superalgebras in prime characteristic III
Zhao, Liang
Regularity of weakly harmonic maps from a Finsler surface into an $n$-sphere
Zhao, Liang
A new local gradient estimate for a nonlinear equation under integral curvature condition on manifolds
Gradient estimates for a nonlinear Lichnerowicz equation under general geometric flow on complete noncompact manifolds
Zhao, Na
Global regularity of the Navier-Stokes equations on 3D periodic thin domain with large data
Zhao, Qing
Hopf structures on minimal Hopf quivers
Zhao, Quanting
Applications of the deformation formula of holomorphic one-forms
Zhao, Ruhan
M\"{o}bius invariant $Q_p$ spaces associated with the Green's function on the unit ball of $\mathbf{C}^n$
Zhao, Tao
Boundary limits for fractional Poisson $a$-extensions of $L^p$ boundary functions in a cone
Zhao, Tengfei
The global well-posedness and scattering for the $5$D defocusing conformal invariant NLW with radial initial data in a critical Besov space
Zhao, Tie-Hong
New construction of fundamental domains for certain Mostow groups
Zhao, Yan Da
The isotropy representation for homogeneous Siegel domains
Zhao, Yifei
Tannakian reconstruction of reductive group schemes
Zhao, Xu-an
Polynomial invariants of Weyl groups for Kac--Moody groups
The classification of cohomology endomorphisms of certain flag manifolds
The rational cohomology Hopf algebra of a generic Kac-Moody group
Zheng, Dechao
Essentially commuting Toeplitz operators
Products of block Toeplitz operators
Zheng, Fangyang
Curvature characterization of certain bounded domains of holomorphy
Zheng, Jian-Hua
Parabolic meromorphic functions
Zheng, Jiqiang
Linear restriction estimates for the wave equation with an inverse square potential
Maximal estimates for Schr\"{o}dinger equations with inverse-square potential
Zheng, Kai
Stability of Kähler-Ricci flow in the space of Kähler metrics
Zheng, Keli
The natural filtrations of finite-dimensional modular Lie superalgebras of Witt and Hamiltonian type
Zheng, Lixin
The essential norms and spectra of composition operators on $H^\infty$
Zheng, Quan
Abstract parabolic systems and regularized semigroups
Zheng, Shanghua
Rota-Baxter operators on the polynomial algebras, integration and averaging operators
Zheng, Tao
Eigenvalue estimates on domains in complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds
Estimates of the gaps between consecutive eigenvalues of Laplacian
The continuity equation of the Gauduchon metrics
Zheng, Yu
A note on conformal Ricci flow
Elliptic gradient estimates for a parabolic equation with V-Laplacian and applications
On regularity of first eigenvalue of some operators along geometric flow
Sharp logarithmic Sobolev inequalities along an extended Ricci flow and applications
Zhong, Jingyang
Scalar invariants of surfaces in conformal 3-sphere via Minkowski spacetime
Zhong, Ping
Free Brownian motion and free convolution semigroups: multiplicative case
Superconvergence to freely infinitely divisible distributions
Zhong, Yong
Automatic continuity for weakly decomposable operators
Zhou, Bin
Mabuchi metrics and properness of the modified Ding functional
Zhou, Daoguo
Global well-posedness for the 2D fractional Boussinesq equations in the subcritical case
Zhou, Denglin
Spectral analysis of Laplacians on the Vicsek set
Zhou, Detang
Eigenvalue estimate and compactness for closed $f$-minimal surfaces
Zhou, Feng
Existence of singular positive solutions for some semilinear elliptic equations
Mixed interior and boundary nodal bubbling solutions for a sinh-Poisson equation
Zhou, Gengqiang
Compactness of isospectral compact manifolds with bounded curvatures
Zhou, Guodong
Gerstenhaber brackets on Hochschild cohomology of quantum symmetric algebras and their group extensions
Zhou, Jian
Noether's problem for $\hat{S_4}$ and $\hat{S_5}$
Zhou, Kai
Degeneracy theorems for two holomorphic curves in $\mathbb{P}^n(\mathbb{C})$ sharing few hypersurfaces
Zhou, Lianmin
On stability of a catenoidal liquid bridge
Zhou, Linfeng
Two dimensional disjoint minimal graphs with finite total curvature
Zhou, Min
$C^1$-continuation of periodic orbits from homoclinics
Zhou, Panyue
triangulated categories with cluster tilting subcategories
Zhou, Xiangyu
Optimal $L^2$ extension of sections from subvarieties in weakly pseudoconvex manifolds
Zhou, Xianmei
Regularity, symmetry and asymptotic behaviour of solutions for some Stein-Weiss type integral systems
Zhou, Xin
Compactness and generic finiteness for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces (I)
Zhou, Xinlong
Optimal approximation class for multivariate Bernstein operators
Zhou, Ze
Circle patterns on surfaces of finite topological type revisited
Zhu, Bin
Cluster automorphism groups and automorphism groups of exchange graphs
triangulated categories with cluster tilting subcategories
Zhu, Chen-Bo
Invariant theory of special orthogonal groups
On the $({\mathfrak g}, K)$-cohomology of certain theta lifts
Zhu, Chenchang
Semidirect products of representations up to homotopy
Zhu, Fuhai
Unitary representations of classical Lie groups of equal rank with nonzero Dirac cohomology
Zhu, Fuliu
The heat kernel andthe Riesz transforms\\ on the quaternionic Heisenberg groups
Zhu, Jialin
The first terms in the expansion of the Bergman kernel in higher degrees
Zhu, Jingyong
A sharp height estimate for the spacelike constant mean curvature graph in the Lorentz-Minkowski space
Zhu, Jiuyi
The axial symmetry and regularity of solutions to an integral equation in a half space
Zhu, Kehe
$BMO$ and Hankel operators on Bergman spaces
Bergman and Hardy spaces with small exponents
Zhu, Langfeng
Optimal $L^2$ extension of sections from subvarieties in weakly pseudoconvex manifolds
Zhu, Meijun
A singularly perturbed linear eigenvalue problem in $C^1$ domains
On the extremal functions of Sobolev--Poincar\'e inequality
Sharp isoperimetric inequalities\\and sphere theorems
Zhu, Meng
The second variation of the Ricci expander entropy
Zhu, Peng
Refined Kato Inequalities for harmonic fields on Kahler manifolds
Zhu, Qiwei
A characterization and solvability of quasi-homogeneous singularities
Zhu, Shengmao
Note on the relations in the tautological ring of M_g
Zhu, Shun-Hui
The classification of complete locally conformally flat manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature
Zhu, Xiangrong
Energy identity for the maps from a surface with tension field bounded in $L^p$
Zhu, Xiaohua
An example of singular metric arising from the blow-up limit in the continuity approach
Ricci curvatureon the blow-up of ${\mathbb C}{\mathrm P}^2$ at two points
Zhu, Xiaoping
The deformation space of Delaunay triangulations of the sphere
Zhu, Xiaorui
Harnack estimate fot the linear heat equation under the Ricci flow
Zhu, Xuwen
Eigenvalue resolution of self-adjoint matrices
Zhuang, Rushu
$RLL$-realization of Two-parameter Quantum Affine Algebra in Type $D_n^{(1)}$
Ziegler, Martin
A counterexample in the theory of definable automorphisms
Ziegler, Michael
The radius of starlikeness for a class of regular functions defined by an integral
Ziegler, Paul
F-zips with additional structure
Ziegler, Zvi
Generalized convexity cones
Generalized convexity cones and their duals
On the characterization of measures of the cone dual to a generalized convexity cone
Zielezny, Zbigniew
On hypoelliptic differential operators of constant strength
On spaces of distributions strongly regular with respect to partial differential operators
Solvability of convolution equations in $\mathscr{K}'_{p},$ $p > 1$
Ziemer, William
The nonhomogeneous minimal surface equation involving a measure
Ziemer, William
On the compactness of integral classes
Slices, multiplicity, and Lebesgue area
Some lower bounds for Lebesgue area
Some remarks on harmonic measure in space
Zierau, Roger
A construction of harmonic forms on $U(p+1,q) / U(p,q) \times U(1)$
Zierler, Neal
Axioms for non-relativistic quantum mechanics
Locally compact division rings
On a conjecture of Golomb
On the lattice of closed subspaces of Hilbert space
Zieschang, Heiner
Degree-one maps onto lens spaces
Ziesler, Sarah N.
$L^p$-boundedness of the Hilbert transform and maximal function along flat curves in $\mathbb{R}^n$
Zieve, Michael
Uniform boundedness of $S$-units in arithmetic dynamics
Zimba, Jason
The standard double soap bubble in $\mathbf{R}^2$ uniquely minimizes perimeter
Zimmer, Horst
An elementary proof of the Riemann hypothesis for an elliptic curve over a finite field
Zimmer, Robert
Uniform subgroups and ergodic actions of exponential Lie groups
Zimmerberg, Hyman
Two-point boundary conditions linear in a parameter
Zimmerman, Graciele
An analogue to the Witt identity
Zimmermann, Alexander
Green correspondence and relative projectivity for pairs of adjoint functors between triangulated categories
Zimmermann, Bruno
On finite simple and nonsolvable groups acting on closed 4–manifolds
On the classification of finite groups acting on homology 3-spheres
Zinger, Aleksey
Double and triple Givental's J-functions for stable quotients invariants
On Gromov-Witten invariants of a quintic threefold and a Rigidity Conjecture
Zink, Ernst-Wilhelm
Zelevinsky operations for multisegments and a partial order on partitions
Ziv, Abraham
Inclusion relations between power methods of limitation
Živaljević, Rade
On a cohomology theory based on hyperfinite sums of microsimplexes
Zizler, Václav
On extension of rotund norms. II
Żołądek, Henryk
Complex algebraic plane curves via Poincaré-Hopf formula I parametric lines
Zorzitto, Frank A.
Subsystems of the polynomial system
Zou, Shangzhi
Regularity of manifolds with integral scalar curvature bound and entropy lower bound
Zou, Wenming
Quasilinear Schrödinger equations: Ground state and infinitely many normalized solutions
Zou, Yanqing
The Heegaard distances cover all nonnegative integers
Zsidó, László
A spectral mapping theorem for locally compact groups of operators
Finite weight projections in von Neumann algebras
Groups of linear isometries on multiplier C*-algebras
Zuckerman, Herbert
A characterization of the subgroups of the additive rationals
On the definition of normal numbers
On the functional equation $F(mn)F((m,\,n))=F(m)F(n)f((m,\,n))$
Structure theory for a class of convolution algebras
The multiplicative semigroup of integers modulo $m$
Zuckerman, Israel
A new measure of a partial differential field extension
Zuckerman, Martin
A unifying condition for implications among the axioms of choice for finite sets
Choosing $l$-element subsets of $n$-element sets
Zuddas, Fabio
Kähler-Ricci solitons induced by infinite dimensional complex space forms
Zühlke, Pedro
Components of spaces of curves with constrained curvature on flat surfaces
Zúñiga-Galindo, Wilson
Elliptic pseudodifferential equations and Sobolev spaces over p-adic fields
Local zeta function for nondegenerate\\homogeneous mappings
Taibleson operators, p-adic parabolic equations and ultrametric diffusion
Zuo, Huaiqing
A characterization and solvability of quasi-homogeneous singularities
Complete characterization of isolated homogeneous hypersurface singularities
Derivation Lie algebras of new $k$-th local algebras of isolated hypersurface singularities
Generalized Cartan matrices arising from new derivation Lie algebras of isolated hypersurface singularities
Lower estimate of Milnor number and characterization of isolated homogeneous hypersurface singularities
Non-existence of negative weight derivations of the local $k$-th Hessian algebras associated to isolated singularities
Zupan, Alexander
Bridge trisections and classical knotted surface theory
Zvengrowski, Peter
On stable parallelizability of flag manifolds
Stable parallelizability of partially oriented flag manifolds
Zwaan, Luka
Poisson manifolds of strong compact type over 2-tori
Zwonek, Włodzimierz
Coman conjecture for the bidisc