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ISSN 1945-5844 (electronic)
ISSN 0030-8730 (print)
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
The generalized Fuglede's conjecture holds for a class of Cantor-Moran measures

Li-Xiang An, Qian Li, Min-Min Zhang

On good $A_1$ subgroups, Springer maps, and overgroups of distinguished unipotent elements in reductive groups  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael Bate, Sören Böhm, Benjamin Martin, Gerhard Röhrle

On the geometry of the Pappas-Rapoport models in the (AR) case

Stéphane Bijakowski, Valentin Hernandez

The q-Schur category and polynomial tilting modules for quantum GL(n)  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Jonathan Brundan

The binary actions of simple groups of Lie type of characteristic 2  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Nick Gill, Pierre Guillot, Martin W. Liebeck

Finite simple groups have many classes of $p$-elements  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael Giudici, Luke Morgan, Cheryl E. Praeger

Monogamous subvarieties of the nilpotent cone  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Simon M. Goodwin, Rachel Pengelly, David I. Stewart, Adam R. Thomas

An extension of Gow's theorem  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Robert M. Guralnick, Pham Huu Tiep

Unusual functorialities for weakly constructible sheaves

Andreas Hohl, Pierre Schapira

On dimensions of RoCK blocks of cyclotomic quiver Hecke superalgebras  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Alexander Kleshchev

Representation growth of Fuchsian groups and modular forms  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Michael J. Larsen, Jay Taylor, Pham Huu Tiep

Constructible representations and Catalan numbers  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

George Lusztig, Eric Sommers

Decomposition numbers in the principal block and Sylow normalisers  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Gunter Malle, Noelia Rizo

Levi decompositions of linear algebraic groups and non-abelian cohomology  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

George J. McNinch

On the intersection of principal blocks  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Gabriel Navarro, A. A. Schaeffer Fry, Pham Huu Tiep

Hesselink strata in small characteristic and Lusztig-Xue pieces  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Alexander Premet

Multiplicity-free representations of the principal A1-subgroup in a simple algebraic group  [in Special issue in memory of Gary Seitz]

Aluna Rizzoli, Donna Testerman