Open Math through S2O

EDP Sciences, EMS Press, MSP

logo for Subscribe to Open (S2O)

EDP Sci­ences (EDPS), in col­lab­or­a­tion with the French learned so­ci­ety SMAI; EMS Press (EMS), the pub­lish­ing house of the European Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety; and Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ence Pub­lish­ers (MSP) are the first three pub­lish­ers to trans­ition math­em­at­ics journ­als from gated to open ac­cess un­der the Sub­scribe to Open mod­el (S2O). In 2022, they ini­ti­ated a part­ner­ship to share best prac­tices and re­sources and to pro­mote the S2O mod­el among the com­munity of math­em­at­ics re­search­ers and lib­rar­ies. EDPS, EMS and MSP are also part of the S2O com­munity of prac­tice.

A shared principle

We fa­vor an open ac­cess mod­el whose only bar­ri­er to pub­lic­a­tion is the mer­it of an au­thor’s work. Any mod­el re­ly­ing on dir­ect or in­dir­ect au­thor charges (APCs) would cre­ate fin­an­cial obstacles that are not ac­cept­able to the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity. As pub­lish­ers of math­em­at­ics, we have chosen the Sub­scribe to Open mod­el, a prag­mat­ic, in­nov­at­ive and trans­form­at­ive ap­proach for con­vert­ing sub­scrip­tion journ­als to open ac­cess without re­ly­ing on APCs.

How does S2O work?

S2O con­verts sub­scrip­tion journ­als to open ac­cess (free, im­me­di­ate on­line ac­cess, along with a li­cense to re­use the con­tent) one year at a time.

diagram for Subscribe to Open (S2O)

  • In the sub­scrip­tion re­new­al cycle, if the num­ber of sub­scrip­tions to an S2O journ­al meets a set threshold by a spe­cif­ic date, the journ­al will be open ac­cess for that sub­scrip­tion year. The threshold and the due date are both set by the pub­lish­er.
  • If a journ­al does not reach the sub­scrip­tion threshold, only sub­scribers will have ac­cess to pa­pers pub­lished that sub­scrip­tion year.
  • The of­fer will be re­peated every year, with the open­ing of each year’s con­tent de­pend­ent on suf­fi­cient par­ti­cip­a­tion for that year.
  • Wheth­er a journ­al’s con­tent is pub­lished open ac­cess or not, the pub­lish­er will al­low the pub­lic­a­tion of art­icles un­der Green Open Ac­cess, and sub­scribers may be­ne­fit from ex­clus­ive ac­cess to some re­served con­tent or ser­vices.

Benefits for subscribers

  • Sub­scribers have guar­an­teed ac­cess to con­tent wheth­er or not the sub­scrip­tion threshold is met.
  • Lib­rar­ies re­tain con­trol of budgets and col­lec­tion.
  • Ad­min­is­trat­ively, sub­scrip­tions op­er­ate as be­fore, but now sup­port OA.
  • Pub­lish­ers are com­mit­ted to trans­par­ency in costs and pri­cing.
  • Pub­lish­ers may of­fer re­served be­ne­fits to sub­scribers, such as
    • re­served ac­cess to on­line-first or ac­cep­ted manuscripts;
    • re­served ac­cess to the full archive;
    • re­duced sub­scrip­tion price be­fore sub­scrip­tion dead­line.
  • Sub­scribers sup­port journ­als for the com­mon good of the aca­dem­ic com­munity and demon­strate their com­mit­ment to open ac­cess.

Benefits for authors

  • Au­thors pub­lish without APCs (be­cause pub­lish­ing costs are covered by sub­scrip­tion fees), so they can pub­lish where they choose, rather than where their in­sti­tu­tion has a deal.
  • Art­icles are pub­lished un­der a Cre­at­ive Com­mons li­cense (and au­thors are al­lowed to re­tain the copy­right).
  • The li­cense en­ables au­thors to be fully com­pli­ant with the open ac­cess re­quire­ments of their in­sti­tu­tion or fund­ing or­gan­iz­a­tion(s). If a journ­al’s con­tent can­not be open in a giv­en year due to in­suf­fi­cient sub­scrip­tions, au­thors can com­ply with their fun­ders’ re­quire­ments via the Green Open Ac­cess route.
  • Au­thors will be sup­port­ing an equit­able sys­tem for all re­search­ers, based on rel­ev­ance and qual­ity, not cost.

Benefits for the community

  • S2O sup­ports open ac­cess and open sci­ence and helps to guar­an­tee the long-term sci­entif­ic in­de­pend­ence of re­search­ers through a di­versity of pub­lish­ing mod­els.
  • S2O sup­ports the val­ues of the math­em­at­ics com­munity.
  • S2O helps to meet the grow­ing de­mand for open ac­cess pub­lic­a­tions, and is en­dorsed by ALPSP, cO­Ali­tion S, CRL, ES­AC, JISC, LYRASIS, OA2020.

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