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This text is dedicated to Jacques Tits’s ideas on geometry over
, the
field with one element. In a first part, we explain how thin Tits geometries surface as
rational point sets over the Krasner hyperfield, which links these ideas to
combinatorial flag varieties in the sense of Borovik, Gelfand and White and
in the sense of Connes and Consani. A novel feature is our approach to algebraic groups
in terms of an alteration of the very concept of a group. In the
second part, we study an incidence-geometrical counterpart of
(epimorphisms to) thin Tits geometries; we introduce and classify all
-structures on
projective spaces over finite fields. This extends recent work of J. A.
and K. Thas on epimorphisms of projective planes (and other rank
buildings) to thin planes.
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Jacques Tits, field with one element, F1-geometry,
generalized polygons
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 14Kxx, 14Lxx, 51E20, 51E24, 51Exx
Received: 17 February 2023
Revised: 14 August 2023
Accepted: 19 August 2023
Published: 13 September 2023
© 2023 The Author(s), under
exclusive license to MSP (Mathematical Sciences
Publishers). |