Volume 15 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2693-3004
ISSN (print): 2693-2997
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Author Index – A
Adamer, Michael
Algebraic Analysis of Rotation Data
Alexandr, Yulia
Logarithmic Voronoi cells
Logarithmic Voronoi polytopes for discrete linear models
Améndola Cerón, Carlos
An invitation to tropical Alexandrov curvature
Likelihood geometry of reflexive polytopes
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Toric Fano Varieties
Toric invariant theory for maximum likelihood estimation in log-linear models
Ananiadi, Lamprini
Gröbner bases for staged trees
Aoki, Satoshi
Use of indicator functions to enumerate cross-array designs without direct product structure
Ardiyansyah, Muhammad
Dimensions of higher order factor analysis models