New directions in algebraic statistics: Three challenges from 2023
Yulia Alexandr, Miles Bakenhus, Maize Curiel, Sameer K. Deshpande, Elizabeth Gross, Yuqi Gu, Max Hill, Joseph Johnson, Bryson Kagy, Vishesh Karwa, Jiayi Li, Hanbaek Lyu, Sonja Petrović, Jose Israel Rodriguez
Mixtures of discrete decomposable graphical models [in IMSI 2023]
Yulia Alexandr, Jane Ivy Coons, Nils Sturma
Matroid stratification of ML degrees of independence models [in IMSI 2023]
Oliver Clarke, Serkan Hoşten, Nataliia Kushnerchuk, Janike Oldekop
Degrees of the Wasserstein distance to small toric models [in IMSI 2023]