Recent Issues
Volume 15, Issue 1
Volume 15, Issue 1
Volume 14, Issue 2
Volume 14, Issue 1
Volume 13, Issue 1
Volume 12, Issue 2
Volume 12, Issue 1
Volume 11, Issue 2
Volume 11, Issue 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2693-3004
ISSN (print): 2693-2997
Author Index
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Mixtures of discrete decomposable graphical models  [in IMSI 2023]

Yulia Alexandr, Jane Ivy Coons, Nils Sturma

Matroid stratification of ML degrees of independence models  [in IMSI 2023]

Oliver Clarke, Serkan Hoşten, Nataliia Kushnerchuk, Janike Oldekop

Degrees of the Wasserstein distance to small toric models  [in IMSI 2023]

Greg DePaul, Serkan Hoşten, Nilava Metya, Ikenna Nometa

Rational maximum likelihood estimators of Kronecker covariance matrices

Mathias Drton, Alexandros Grosdos, Andrew McCormack

The F-adjoined Gauss map and Gaussian likelihood geometry

Lukas Gustafsson