Volume 15 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2693-3004
ISSN (print): 2693-2997
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Author Index – T
Tachibana, Yoshihito
Holonomic Gradient Method for Two Way Contingency Tables
Takayama, Nobuki
Holonomic Gradient Method for Two Way Contingency Tables
Tang, Xiaoxian
Tropical support vector machine and its applications to phylogenomics
Telen, Simon
Likelihood equations and scattering amplitudes
Theran, Louis
Computing maximum likelihood thresholds using graph rigidity
Timme, Sascha
Estimating linear covariance models with numerical nonlinear algebra
Toroczkai, Zoltán
An algebraic Monte-Carlo algorithm for the Partition Adjacency Matrix realization problem
Tran, Ngoc
Minimal Embedding Dimensions of Connected Neural Codes
Minimal representations of tropical rational functions
Tropical Gaussians: A brief survey