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Author Index – C
Caglioti, Emanuele
Mean-field limit for particle systems with topological interactions
Microcanonical phase transitions for the vortex system
Campanino, Massimo
Some results on the asymptotic behaviour of finite connection probabilities in percolation
Capasso, Vincenzo
On stochastic distributions and currents
Capozziello, Salvatore
Carelli, Giorgio
Caressa, Paolo
Numerical evidence for the approximation of dissipative systems by gyroscopically coupled oscillators chains
Carlen, Eric
Contraction of the proximal mapping and generalized convexity of the Moreau-Yosida regularization in the 2-Wasserstein metric
Carravetta, Francesco
On a stochastic approach to model the double phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle
Carrera, Erasmo
Node-dependent kinematic models applied to reinforced concrete structures
Cascini, Leonardo
Investigating the evolution of landslides via dimensionless displacement trends
Castellano, Anna
Genetic algorithms applied to non-linear analysis for the identification of masonry structures collapse mechanisms
Castellano, Simone
Caylak, Ismail
A polymorphic uncertainty model for the curing process of transversely fiber-reinforced plastics
A polynomial chaos expanded hybrid fuzzy-stochastic model for transversely fiber reinforced plastics
Challamel, Noël
Discrete and nonlocal solutions for lattice Cattaneo-Vernotte heat diffusion equation
Geometric degree of nonconservativity
Second order work criterion and divergence criterion: a full equivalence for kinematically constrained systems
Chiadò Piat, Valeria
Discrete double-porosity models for spin systems
Chiaia, Bernardino
Fluid diffusion related aging effect in a concrete dam modeled as Timoshenko beam
Chinesta, Francisco
On the effect of phase transition on the manifold dimensionality: Application to the Ising model
Ciallella, Alessandro
Inhomogeneities in Boltzmann--SIR models
Numerical evidence for the approximation of dissipative systems by gyroscopically coupled oscillators chains
Ciampini, Donatella
Cluzel, Christophe
A general method for the determination of the local orthotropic directions of heterogeneous materials: application to bone structures using µCT images
Computational implementation of non-uniform orthotropic directions in the femoral diaphysis based on cortical bone microstructure to build a constitutive model.
Heterogeneous directions of orthotropy in three dimensional structures: Finite Elements description based on diffusion equations
Colagrossi, Andrea
Particles for fluids: SPH versus vortex methods
Conceição António, Carlos
FFR quantification in a left coronary artery using a three-element Windkessel model and the non-linear viscoelastic property of blood
Conci, Aura
Tumor growth modelling by cellular automata
Contrafatto, Loredana
A cohesive interface model with degrading friction coefficient
Cosserat, Oscar
On Dirac structures admitting a variational approach
Craig, Katy
Contraction of the proximal mapping and generalized convexity of the Moreau-Yosida regularization in the 2-Wasserstein metric
Cuomo, Massimo
A cohesive interface model with degrading friction coefficient
Form of the dissipation function for a class of viscoplastic models