Recent Issues
Volume 13, Issue 1
Volume 12, Issue 4
Volume 12, Issue 3
Volume 12, Issue 2
Volume 12, Issue 1
Volume 11, Issue 4
Volume 11, Issue 3
Volume 11, Issue 2
Volume 11, Issue 1
Volume 10, Issue 4
Volume 10, Issue 3
Volume 10, Issue 2
Volume 10, Issue 1
Volume 9, Issue 4
Volume 9, Issue 3
Volume 9, Issue 2
Volume 9, Issue 1
Volume 8, Issue 4
Volume 8, Issue 3
Volume 8, Issue 2
Volume 8, Issue 1
Volume 7, Issue 4
Volume 7, Issue 3
Volume 7, Issue 2
Volume 7, Issue 1
Volume 6, Issue 4
Volume 6, Issue 3
Volume 6, Issue 2
Volume 6, Issue 1
Volume 5, Issue 3-4
Volume 5, Issue 2
Volume 5, Issue 1
Volume 4, Issue 3-4
Volume 4, Issue 2
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 4
Volume 3, Issue 3
Volume 3, Issue 2
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
About the journal
Ethics and policies
Peer-review process
Submission guidelines
Submission form
Editorial board
ISSN 2325-3444 (online)
ISSN 2326-7186 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals

Aims and scope

Nissuna umana investigazione si può dimandare vera scienzia, s’essa non passa per le matematiche dimostrazioni.
 — Leonardo da Vinci, 1478

[Kepler] is only one of the many examples of the falsity of the idea that success in scientific research demands an exclusive absorption in one narrow line of study. Novel ideas are more apt to spring from an unusual assortment of knowledge—not necessarily from vast knowledge, but from a thorough conception of the methods and ideas of distinct lines of thought.
 — A. N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics, 1911

MEMOCS is a publication of the International Research Center for the Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems. MEMOCS publishes articles from diverse scientific fields with a specific emphasis on mechanics. Articles must rely on the application or development of rigorous mathematical methods. The journal intends to foster a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge firmly based on mathematical foundations. It serves as a forum where scientists from different disciplines meet to share a common, rational vision of science and technology. It supports and disseminates research whose primary goal is to develop mathematical methods and tools for the study of complexity.

The journal also fosters and publishes original research in related areas of mathematics of proven applicability, such as variational methods, numerical methods, and optimization techniques. Besides their intrinsic interest, such treatments can become heuristic and epistemological tools for further investigations, and provide methods for deriving predictions from postulated theories. Papers focusing on and clarifying aspects of the history of mathematics and science are also welcome. All methodologies and points of view, if rigorously applied, will be considered.

The following types of articles are welcomed:

  1. Original articles with a length of (typically) up to 20 printed pages.
  2. Review articles that broaden existing knowledge and strive to reach beyond a restricted circle of specialists. Such articles should keep technicalities to a minimum and emphasize multidisciplinary ideas.
  3. Surveys (invited by the Editors) in which leading scientists expound research directions in their fields or collaborate with experts in different fields to forge a specific multidisciplinary outlook.
  4. Editorials, where published articles in the preceding issues are commented on or where potential authors are invited to focus on particular research topics.

Ethics and policies

Information about the journal's editorial principles, its policies for authors, the handling of complaints and appeals, and copyright and licensing can be found here.

Peer-review process

This journal operates a single-anonymized review process (the names of the reviewers are hidden from the author). You can read about the peer-review process, including expectations and responsibilities for the journal and for reviewers, here.

Publication schedule

Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems publishes 4 issues per year, for an expected total of about 400 pages.


Journal access and fees

Access to the journal is by subscription. All articles become free to access and read six years past publication (meaning on the sixth January 1st after the publication date). The journal does not charge any author fees.

Preservation of access

To ensure the long-term availability of our published online content, MSP is a member of CLOCKSS and of the Global LOCKSS Network.


Authors may submit manuscripts in PDF format here.

Authors should follow these submission guidelines.

About the publisher

The journal is published by MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers), alongside other top journals. MSP is a nonprofit who believes that fair-priced scholar-led subscription journals remain the best stewards of quality and fairness, and strives to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices. MSP also developed EditFlow, the popular peer-review web application.

Contact Information

For general journal matters, please email
For editorial board contact information, please see here.
For publishing matters, please email
For subscriptions information, please email

Mailing address

2000 Allston Way #59, Berkeley, CA 94701-4004, USA


MEMOCS is indexed in


Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems
First published: 2013.
Size/periodicity: 4 issues per year.
ISSN 2325-3444 (online).
ISSN 2326-7186 (print).
Dimensions: 7×10in (17.8×25.4cm).