Volume 12 Number 3
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ISSN (electronic): 2325-3444
ISSN (print): 2326-7186
Author index
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Author Index – K
Kadkhodaei, Mahmoud
Computational analysis of 1D multiple-memory shape memory alloys under thermomechanical loadings
Kalai, Gil
Around two theorems and a lemma by Lucio Russo
Kapustian, Olena
Uniform attractor of impulse-perturbed reaction-diffusion system
Kapustyan, Oleksiy
Uniform attractor of impulse-perturbed reaction-diffusion system
Karimi, Pouyan
IBVP for electro-magneto-elasto-materials: variational approach
Khludnev, A.
Delaminated thin elastic inclusions inside elastic bodies
Kim, Chun
Deformation analysis of non-uniform lipid membrane subjected to local inflammations
Kirillov, Oleg
Ko, Kyaw
Explicit benchmark solution for topology optimization of variable-thickness plates
KoƧ, Muammer
Modeling and experimental validation of the elastic modulus of polysulfone membranes reinforced with cellulose nanofibers
Kochkodan, Viktor
Modeling and experimental validation of the elastic modulus of polysulfone membranes reinforced with cellulose nanofibers
Kolev, Boris
Distance to a constitutive tensor isotropy stratum by the Lasserre polynomial optimization method
Konovalov, Dmitriy
A sensitivity study by finite element analysis for the abutment-implant-bone system
Numerical simulation of the bending of a layered beam with prestressed layer under finite strains using the spectral element method
Korol, Ihor
Uniform attractor of impulse-perturbed reaction-diffusion system
Kotov, Alexei
On Dirac structures admitting a variational approach
Kudish, Ilya
Characterization of the behavior of different contacts with double coating
Kumar, Santosh
Generation of SH-type waves due to shearing stress discontinuity in an anisotropic layer overlying an initially stressed elastic half-space