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We use a new approach to study locally strongly convex
hypersurfaces with constant sectional curvature in the affine space
We prove a nice relation involving the eigenvalues of the shape operator
and the
difference tensor
of the affine hypersurface. This is achieved by making full use of the Codazzi equations
for both the shape operator and the difference tensor and the Ricci identity in an
indirect way. Starting from this relation, we give a classification of locally strongly
convex hypersurface with constant sectional curvature whose shape operator
has at
most one eigenvalue of multiplicity one.
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affine hypersurface, affine metric, constant sectional
curvature, affine hypersphere
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 53A15
Secondary: 53B20, 53B25
Received: 13 May 2020
Revised: 20 November 2020
Accepted: 24 November 2020
Published: 8 March 2021