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We give a corrected statement of (Gurjar and Miyanishi 1988, Theorem 2), which
classifies smooth affine surfaces of Kodaira dimension zero, whose coordinate
ring is factorial and has trivial units. Denote the class of such surfaces by
. An infinite series
of surfaces in
not listed in loc. cit., was recently obtained by Freudenburg, Kojima and Nagamine
(2019) as affine modifications of the plane. We complete their list to a series
containing arbitrarily high-dimensional families of pairwise nonisomorphic surfaces in
. Moreover,
we classify them up to a diffeomorphism, showing that each occurs as an interior of a
whose boundary is an exceptional surgery on a
-bridge knot. In
particular, we show that
contains countably many pairwise nonhomeomorphic surfaces.
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affine surface, $\mathbb{C}^*$-fibration, log minimal model
program, knot surgery, Kirby diagram
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 14R05
Secondary: 14J26, 57M99, 57R65
Received: 26 February 2020
Revised: 15 December 2020
Accepted: 15 December 2020
Published: 31 July 2021