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Motivated by M. Scharlemann and A. Thompson’s definition of thin
position of 3-manifolds, we define the width of a handle decomposition
a 4-manifold and introduce the notion of thin position of a compact
smooth 4-manifold. We determine all manifolds having width equal to
, and give a relation
between the width of
and its double
In particular, we describe how to obtain genus
trisection diagrams for sphere bundles over orientable and nonorientable surfaces of
respectively. Finally, we study the problem of describing relative handlebodies as
cyclic covers of a 4-space branched along knotted surfaces from the width
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Heegaard splittings, handle decompositions, thin position,
trisections of 4-manifolds, tunnel number of links
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 57M27, 57N13
Received: 21 February 2020
Revised: 10 June 2021
Accepted: 16 June 2021
Published: 12 October 2021