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Dip-ramp-plateau for Dyson Brownian motion from the identity on $U(N)$

Peter J. Forrester, Mario Kieburg, Shi-Hao Li and Jiyuan Zhang

Vol. 5 (2024), No. 2, 321–355

In recent work, the authors have shown that the eigenvalue probability density function for Dyson Brownian motion from the identity on U(N) is an example of a newly identified class of random unitary matrices called cyclic Pólya ensembles. In general, the latter exhibit a structured form of the correlation kernel. Specialising to the case of Dyson Brownian motion from the identity on U(N) allows the moments of the spectral density, and the spectral form factor SN(k;t), to be evaluated explicitly in terms of a certain hypergeometric polynomial. Upon transformation, this can be identified in terms of a Jacobi polynomial with parameters (N(μ 1),1), where μ = kN and k is the integer labelling the Fourier coefficients. From existing results in the literature for the asymptotics of the latter, the asymptotic forms of the moments of the spectral density can be specified, as can lim N(1N)SN(k;t)|μ=kN. These, in turn, allow us to give a quantitative description of the large N behaviour of the average [t]| l=1Neikxl|2. The latter exhibits a dip-ramp-plateau effect, which has attracted recent interest from the viewpoints of many body quantum chaos and the scrambling of information in black holes.

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Dyson Brownian motion on $U(N)$, cyclic Pólya ensembles, spectral form factor, hypergeometric polynomials, Jacobi polynomial asymptotics
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 15B52
Received: 5 July 2022
Revised: 5 April 2023
Accepted: 20 April 2023
Published: 26 May 2024
Peter J. Forrester
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Mario Kieburg
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Shi-Hao Li
Department of Mathematics
Sichuan University
Jiyuan Zhang
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne