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Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 4
Volume 3, Issue 3
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Volume 2, Issue 3
Volume 2, Issue 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
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Volume 1, Issue 3
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
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Statement, 2023
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ISSN (electronic): 2576-7666
ISSN (print): 2576-7658
Author index
To appear
Other MSP Journals
In  Forthcoming  Issues
On the eigenvalues of the $p\&q-$ fractional Laplacian

Sabri Bahrouni, Hichem Hajaiej, Linjie Song

A p-adic adjoint L-function and the ramification locus of the Hilbert modular eigenvariety  [in Joël Bellaïche in memoriam]

Baskar Balasubramanyam, John Bergdall, Matteo Longo

Transfer systems for rank two elementary Abelian groups: characteristic functions and matchstick games

Linus Bao, Christy Hazel, Tia Karkos, Alice Kessler, Austin Nicolas, Kyle Ormsby, Jeremie Park, Cait Schleff, Scotty Tilton

The singular support of an $\ell$-adic sheaf

Owen Barrett

Diffusion limit of a Boltzmann Poisson system: Case of general inflow boundary data profile

Samia Ben Ali, Mohamed Lazhar Tayeb

Steenrod operations and algebraic classes

Olivier Benoist

On the central value of Rankin L-functions for self-dual algebraic representations of linear groups over totally real fields  [in Joël Bellaïche in memoriam]

Laurent Clozel, Arno Kret

Elliptic Stark conjectures and exceptional weight one forms  [in Joël Bellaïche in memoriam]

Henri Darmon, Alan Lauder, Victor Rotger

Systoles of hyperbolic hybrids

Sami Douba

Relations between generalised Wishart matrices, the Muttalib--Borodin model and matrix spherical functions

Peter J. Forrester

Upper Ramification Groups for Arbitrary Valuation Rings

Kazuya Kato, Vaidehee Thatte

Nonlinear asymptotic stability of inhomogeneous steady solutions to boundary problems of Vlasov-Poisson equation

Chanwoo Kim

Topological stability, L-shadowing and generalized hyperbolicity

Keonhee Lee, Carlos A. Morales

Parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel's system

Valentin Lemarié

Theorem XI of Selmer's Acta Mathematica opus -- a short proof  [in Joël Bellaïche in memoriam]

Paul Monsky

Inverting log blow-ups in log geometry

Doosung Park

Triangular ranks do not bound minimum ranks in matrix completion

Yaroslav Shitov

Homogenization of the Stokes type model in porous media with slip boundary conditions

Lazarus Signing

Height pairings for algebraic cycles on the product of a curve and a surface

Shou-Wu Zhang

Variation of GIT and variation of Lagrangian skeletons I: Flip and flop

Peng Zhou