Recent Issues
Volume 14, Issue 1
Volume 13, Issue 1
Volume 12, Issue 1
Volume 11, Issue 1
Volume 10, Issue 1
Volume 9, Issue 2
Volume 9, Issue 1
Volume 8, Issue 1
Volume 7, Issue 1
Volume 6, Issue 1
Volume 5, Issue 1
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
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Submission Form
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN: 1948-7916
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
In  Forthcoming  Issues
Tropical geometric tools for machine learning: the TML package

David Barnhill, Ruriko Yoshida, Georgios Aliatimis, Keiji Miura

Rigorous numerical integration of algebraic functions

Nils Bruin, Linden Disney-Hogg, Wuqian Effie Gao