is said to have the ideal property if each closed two-sided ideal of
generated as a closed two-sided ideal by the projections inside the ideal.
with the ideal property are a generalization and unification of real rank zero
-algebras and unital
It was long expected that an invariant that we call
, consisting of the scaled
ordered total
(used in the real rank zero case), along with the tracial state spaces
for each cut-down
, as part of the
Elliott invariant of
(for each
), with
certain compatibility conditions, is the complete invariant for a certain well behaved class of
-algebras with the
ideal property (e.g.,
algebras with no dimension growth). In this paper, we construct two nonisomorphic
with the ideal
property such that
disproving this conjecture. The invariant to distinguish the
two algebras is the collection of Hausdorffified algebraic
along with certain compatibility conditions. We will prove in a separate article that,
after adding this new ingredient, the invariant becomes the complete invariant for
algebras (of no dimension growth) with the ideal property.
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