Tropical geometry sheds new light on classical statistical models of a piecewise linear
nature. Representing a piecewise linear function as a tropical rational function, many
nontrivial results can be obtained. This paper studies the minimal models of that
We give two natural notions of complexity for tropical rational functions,
monomial complexity and factorization complexity. We show that in dimension one,
both notions coincide, but this is not true in higher dimensions. We give a
canonical representation that is minimal for conewise linear functions on
which ties to the question of finding canonical representatives for virtual polytopes.
We also give comparison bounds between the two notions of complexity.
As a proof step, we obtain counting formulas and lower bounds for the number of
regions in an arrangement of tropical hypersurfaces, giving a small extension for
a result by Montúfar, Ren and Zhang. We also produce a lower bound
on the number of vertices in a regular mixed subdivision of a Minkowski
sum, slightly extending Adiprasito’s lower bound theorem for Minkowski
We also show that any piecewise linear function is a linear combination of
conewise linear functions, which may have implications for model choice for
multivariate linear spline regression.
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