Recent Issues
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
About the journal
Ethics and policies
Peer-review process
Submission guidelines
Submission form
Editorial board
ISSN 2834-4634 (online)
ISSN 2834-4626 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP Journals

Aims and scope

The aim of Essential Number Theory is to publish articles of excellent utility and clarity, in all areas of number theory. The utility and clarity standards for publication are these:

  • Is the paper about a topic of widely regarded importance in number theory?
  • Does the paper explain aspects of this topic that are not currently explained in the literature?
  • Is the paper accessible to a large audience of number theorists, including graduate students?
  • Will researchers widely read and use this article?

Essential Number Theory intends for accepted articles to become go-to references for researchers learning about an area of number theory. Our goal is to deepen the impact of the most important developments in number theory, by making sure they are communicated to as broad an audience as possible. We expect that frequently authors will find it effective to write about research that initially appeared in work of others.

Essential Number Theory is the place to publish, well, the essentials for doing and learning number theory. For example, ENT is the place to publish high-quality papers about

  • a special case of a major new theorem, which illustrates key aspects of the proof in a simpler setting;
  • a streamlined, clarified, or improved proof that opens a new perspective on an important theorem;
  • a key progression of ideas whose rigorous details are usually omitted from papers;
  • the motivations for an important conjecture;
  • ideas that span two areas and need to be "translated" in order to be useful to number theorists;
  • the inner workings of a tool that is commonly used as a "black box";
  • the details of a useful "folk" statement that doesn't have a proper reference in the literature;
  • a synthesis of multiple ideas that need to be combined in order to understand current trends in the field;
  • a compilation of best-known outcomes of a range of methods when applied to an important problem;
and many more expositions that will enhance the experience of working in number theory.

Articles of varying lengths are considered, typically ranging from 5 to 60 pages, depending on the length that most usefully serves the topic at hand.

Ethics and policies

Information about the journal's editorial principles, its policies for authors, the handling of complaints and appeals, and copyright and licensing can be found here.

Peer-review process

This journal operates a single-anonymized review process (the names of the reviewers are hidden from the author). You can read about the peer-review process, including expectations and responsibilities for the journal and for reviewers, here.

Publication schedule

Essential Number Theory publishes 2 issues per year.


Journal access and fees

Essential Number Theory will be published free to access and read through the end of 2025, and by subscription afterwards. ENT does not charge any author fees.

Preservation of access

To ensure the long-term availability of our published online content, MSP is a member of CLOCKSS and of the Global LOCKSS Network.


Authors may submit manuscripts in PDF format here.

Authors should follow these submission guidelines.

About the publisher

The journal is published by MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publishers), alongside other top journals. MSP is a nonprofit who believes that fair-priced scholar-led subscription journals remain the best stewards of quality and fairness, and strives to offer the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices. MSP also developed EditFlow, the popular peer-review web application.

Contact Information

For general journal matters, please email
For editorial board contact information, please see here.
For publishing matters, please email

Mailing address

2000 Allston Way #59, Berkeley, CA 94701-4004, USA


ENT is indexed in


Essential Number Theory
First published: 2022.
Size/periodicity: 2 issues per year.
ISSN 2834-4634 (online).
ISSN 2834-4626 (print).
Dimensions: 8×10.5in (20.3×26.7cm).