Recent Issues
Volume 3, Issue 1
Volume 2, Issue 1
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
About the journal
Ethics and policies
Peer-review process
Submission guidelines
Submission form
Editorial board
ISSN 2834-4634 (online)
ISSN 2834-4626 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP Journals

Ethical guidelines

Authors are expected to meet our ethical guidelines on intellectual property, plagiarism, contributorship, and disclosure of financial support. See the full policies for authors here.


Submission of a manuscript acknowledges that the manuscript is original and is not, in whole or in part, published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors are also required to attest that the manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration for publication in this journal. The submitted article must not be a revision of a rejected article previously submitted to this journal, unless the authors have been explicitly invited to resubmit by the editorial board of the journal.

Choice of editor

During submission, authors will be asked to suggest one or more suitable editors. They should choose the editor whose interests are closest to the subject of the paper, but who is not directly connected to one of the authors (e.g., as a former advisor/student, a close relative, a colleague at the same institution, or a close collaborator). After submission, the handling editor typically consults suitable editors about the manuscript.


Articles in ENT are usually in English, but articles written in other languages will be considered, provided a relevant editor is comfortable with the language.


Submission requires uploading the paper in PDF format here. If your submission is accepted you will then need to supply source files, preferably in a variety of TeX or LaTeX, or in other software such as Word.

Cover letter

Authors are invited to describe the audience for their article in a cover letter to the editors, possibly mentioning specific names of likely readers.


Submissions to ENT should include a significant introduction that clearly places the subject matter of the manuscript in context. The introduction should make the case for the interest of the material, the purpose of the article itself, and the intended audience. We invite authors to use the introduction as an on-ramp for students, and for researchers in other parts of number theory. This may mean including more definitions, examples, citations, or explanations of motivation than authors typically have space to do in a standard research article.

If the article is not in English, two versions of the introduction section must be included, one in the language of the article and one in English.

Required items


A brief abstract of about 150 words or fewer must be included. It should be self-contained and not make any reference to the bibliography. If the article is not in English, two versions of the abstract must be included, one in the language of the article and one in English.

Keywords and subject codes

Keywords and at least one Mathematics Subject Classification code for the article are required.

Author information

For each coauthor, postal address and affiliation (if appropriate) are required. Each coauthor must provide a valid email address that belongs only to that person and is not shared with anyone. Changes in email address should be communicated promptly.


Bibliographical references should be complete, including article titles and page ranges. All references in the bibliography should be cited in the text. The use of BibTeX is preferred but not required. Tags will be converted to the journal format.


Figures must be of publication quality. After acceptance, you will need to submit the original source files in vector graphics format for all diagrams in your manuscript; vector EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful. Bundle your figure files into a single archive (using zip, tar, rar or other format of your choice) and upload on the link you will be provided at acceptance time. For questions, please write to with as many details as you can about how your graphics were generated.

Each figure should be captioned and numbered so that it can float. Small figures can be kept in the text (e.g., "The curve looks like this:").


If your paper has previously been deposited on arXiv, we will need its arXiv number at acceptance time. This allows us to deposit the DOI of the published version on the paper’s arXiv page.


Page proofs will be made available to authors (or to the designated corresponding author) in PDF format. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of proofs or to return corrections within the requested deadline may cause publication to be postponed.