Recent Issues |
Volume 21
Issue 2, 139–160
Issue 1, 1–137
Volume 20
Issue 2+3, 63–634
Issue 1, 1–61
Volume 19
Issue 4, 137–181
Issue 3, 95–135
Issue 2, 47–94
Issue 1, 1–46
Volume 18
Volume 17
Issue 3, 189–249
Issue 2, 77–188
Issue 1, 1-75
Volume 16
Volume 15
Volume 14
Volume 13
Volume 12
Volume 11
Volume 10
Volume 9
Volume 8
Volume 6+7
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1
Author Index – B
Baker, Ronald
An arc partition of the Hughes plane using a field-theoretic model
Bamberg, John
Barré, Sylvain
Random Möbius–Kantor group cobordisms
Barwick, Susan
A characterisation of the lines external to a quadric cone of $\mathsf{PG}(3,q)$, $q$ odd
Ruled quintic surfaces in PG(6,q)
The exterior splash in PG(6, q): Transversals
Bate, Michael
Edifices: Building-like spaces associated to linear algebraic groups
Bayens, Luke
Groups of hyperovals in Desarguesian planes
Baykalov, Anton
Rank three innately transitive permutation groups and related $2$-transitive groups
Bergvall, Olof
Frobenius actions on Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2
Betten, Anton
Line-transitive point-imprimitive linear spaces: the grid case
Preface to Special Edition of IIG for Jacques Tits
Bierbrauer, Jürgen
The geometry of quantum codes
Biliotti, Mauro
On the finite projective planes of order up to $q^4$, $q$ odd, admitting $\mathsf{PSL}(3,q)$ as a collineation group
Bingen, Franz
Notions de Géométrie Algébrique (Bruxelles, 1961--62)
Short biography of Jacques Tits
Biondi, Paola
On minimum size blocking sets of external lines to a quadric in PG($d,q$)
Blunck, Andrea
Generalized Clifford parallelisms
Bonisoli, Arrigo
Sharply transitive decompositions of complete graphs into generalized Petersen graphs
Bonoli, Giovanna
$F_q$-linear blocking sets in $\mathrm{PG}(2,q^4)$
Borel, Armand
On abstract homomorphisms of simple algebraic groups
Bossaert, Jens
Restricted universal groups for right-angled buildings
Bramato, Marco
More configurations on elliptic curves
Bratslavsky, Firmin
Algèbres de Lie Semi-Simples et Systèmes de Racines (Bruxelles, 1963--64)
Braun, Michael
Construction of $(n,r)$-arcs in $\mathrm{PG}(2,q)$
Construction of a point-cyclic resolution in $\mathrm{PG}(9,2)$
Brouwer, Andries
A family of 2-arc transitive pentagraphs with unbounded valency
The unique coclique extension property for apartments of buildings
Brown, Kenneth
Automorphisms of non-spherical buildings have unbounded displacement
Brown, Matthew
The classification of spreads of $T_2({\mathcal O})$ and $\alpha$-flocks over small fields
Bruhat, François
BN-paires de type affine et données radicielles
Groupes algébriques simples sur un corps local
Groupes algébriques simples sur un corps local: cohomologie galoisienne
Groupes simples résiduellement déployés sur un corps local
Un théorème de point fixe
Buekenhout, Francis
An alternative existence proof of the geometry of Ivanov-Shpectorov for O'Nan's sporadic group
Buratti, Marco
Sharply transitive decompositions of complete graphs into generalized Petersen graphs
Butler, David
A characterisation of the lines external to a quadric cone of $\mathsf{PG}(3,q)$, $q$ odd