Volume 17 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2640-7345
ISSN (print): 2640-7337
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Author Index – D
Das, Pragnya
The generalized Sylvester's and orchard problems via discriminantal arrangement
Davydov, Alexander
De Bruyn, Bart
De Clerck, Frank
Projections of quadrics in finite projective spaces of odd characteristic
De Feyter, Nikias
Projections of quadrics in finite projective spaces of odd characteristic
De Kaey, Joris
On a characterization of the finite twisted triality hexagons using one classical ideal split Cayley subhexagon
De Medts, Tom
De Rosa, Luca
De Schepper, Anneleen
A geometric connection between the split first and second row of the Freudenthal-Tits magic square
De Winter, Stefaan
Bounds on partial ovoids and spreads in classical generalized quadrangles
Del Fra, Alberto
The universal representation group of Huybrechts's dimensional dual hyperoval
Dempwolff, Ulrich
Remarks on dimensional dual hyperovals in elliptic and parabolic spaces
Devillers, Alice
A classification of finite partial linear spaces with a primitive rank 3 automorphism group of almost simple type
Rank three innately transitive permutation groups and related $2$-transitive groups
Diaz, Esteban
Dimca, Alexandru
Donati, Giorgio
Dover, Jeremy
Draisma, Jan
The unique coclique extension property for apartments of buildings
Dray, Tevian
An octonionic construction of $E_8$ and the Lie algebra magic square
Durante, Nicola