Recent Issues |
Volume 21
Issue 2, 139–160
Issue 1, 1–137
Volume 20
Issue 2+3, 63–634
Issue 1, 1–61
Volume 19
Issue 4, 137–181
Issue 3, 95–135
Issue 2, 47–94
Issue 1, 1–46
Volume 18
Volume 17
Issue 3, 189–249
Issue 2, 77–188
Issue 1, 1-75
Volume 16
Volume 15
Volume 14
Volume 13
Volume 12
Volume 11
Volume 10
Volume 9
Volume 8
Volume 6+7
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1
Author Index – P
Palezzato, Elisa
The generalized Sylvester's and orchard problems via discriminantal arrangement
Pambianco, Fernanda
On sharply transitive sets in $\mathsf{PG}(2,q)$
The geometry of quantum codes
Pankov, Mark
Base subsets of the Hilbert Grassmannian
Parkinson, James
Automorphisms and opposition in spherical buildings of exceptional type, II: Moufang hexagons
Opposition diagrams for automorphisms of small spherical buildings
Preface to Special Edition of IIG for Jacques Tits
Parreau, Anne
Affine buildings: Construction by norms and study of isometries
On triples of ideal chambers in A_2-buildings
Pasini, Antonio
A characterization of the geometry of large maximal cliques of the alternating forms graph
Embedded Polar Spaces Revisited
Embeddings of orthogonal grassmannians
On two non-building but simply connected compact Tits geometries of type C3
On Weyl modules for the symplectic group
Synthetic and projective properties of embeddable polar spaces
The universal representation group of Huybrechts's dimensional dual hyperoval
Pasotti, Stefano
Generalized Clifford parallelisms
Patra, Kamal
A non-abelian representation of the dual polar space $DQ(2n,2)$
Payne, Stanley
The classification of spreads of $T_2({\mathcal O})$ and $\alpha$-flocks over small fields
Penttila, Tim
Groups of hyperovals in Desarguesian planes
The classification of spreads of $T_2({\mathcal O})$ and $\alpha$-flocks over small fields
Pianta, Silvia
Generalized Clifford parallelisms
Pichot, Mikaël
Random Möbius–Kantor group cobordisms
Pokora, Piotr
On plane conic arrangements with nodes and tacnodes
Polverino, Olga
$F_q$-linear blocking sets in $\mathrm{PG}(2,q^4)$
Affine sets arising from spreads
On semifields of type $(q^{2n},q^{n},q^2,q^2,q)$, $n$ odd
Praeger, Cheryl
Line-transitive point-imprimitive linear spaces: the grid case
Rank three innately transitive permutation groups and related $2$-transitive groups
Pralle, Harm
Certain generalized quadrangles inside polar spaces of rank $4$
Prince, Alan
A near projective plane of order 6