Volume 17 Number 1
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ISSN (electronic): 2640-7345
ISSN (print): 2640-7337
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Author Index – S
Sahoo, Binod
A non-abelian representation of the dual polar space $DQ(2n,2)$
Saleh, Nada
Salzmann, Helmut
16-dimensional compact projective planes with a large group fixing two points and only one line
Schillewaert, Jeroen
Distances between fixed-point sets in metrically complete 2-dimensional Euclidean buildings are realised
Schwer, Petra
Chimney retractions in affine buildings encode orbits in affine flag varieties
Segev, Yoav
Settepanella, Simona
The generalized Sylvester's and orchard problems via discriminantal arrangement
Shult, Ernest
Siciliano, Alessandro
Locally hermitian partial ovoids of unitary polar spaces and partial ovoids of orthogonal polar spaces
Sin, Peter
A remark on Grassmann and Veronese embeddings of PG(3,F) in characteristic 2
Slupinski, Marcus
Incidence geometry of the Fano plane and Freudenthal's ansatz for the construction of (split) octonions
Steinbach, Anja
Steinke, Günter
A new family of 2-dimensional Laguerre planes that admit PSL_2(R) × R as a group of automorphisms
Finite elation Laguerre planes admitting a two-transitive group on their set of generators
Generalized quadrangles, Laguerre planes and shift planes of odd order
Stokes, Klara
Incidence geometries with trialities coming from maps with Wilson trialities
Storme, Leo
A $t \pmod{p}$ result on weighted multiple $(n-k)$-blocking sets in $\mathsf{PG}(n,q)$
On minimum size blocking sets of external lines to a quadric in PG($d,q$)
Stroppel, Markus
Finite elation Laguerre planes admitting a two-transitive group on their set of generators
Generalized quadrangles, Laguerre planes and shift planes of odd order
Struyve, Koen
Moufang sets related to polarities in exceptional Moufang quadrangles of type $\mathsf{F}_4$
Sziklai, Péter
A $t \pmod{p}$ result on weighted multiple $(n-k)$-blocking sets in $\mathsf{PG}(n,q)$
Szőnyi, Tamás