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Author Index – B
Badreddine, Rana
On the global well-posedness of the Calogero-Sutherland derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Bal, Guillaume
Asymmetric transport for magnetic Dirac equations
Barbaroux, Jean-Marie
The Dirac bag model in strong magnetic fields
Barnett, Alexander
Explicit unconditionally stable methods for the heat equation via potential theory
Baskin, Dean
Scattering resonances on truncated cones
Beceanu, Marius
Strichartz estimates for the Klein–Gordon equation in $\mathbb{R}^{3+1}$
Beck, Thomas
Quantitative bounds on impedance-to-impedance operators with applications to fast direct solvers for PDEs
Ben-Artzi, Jonathan
On the complexity of the inverse Sturm-Liouville problem
Benhellal, Badreddine
Curvature contribution to the essential spectrum of Dirac operators with critical shell interactions
Berkolaiko, Gregory
A local test for global extrema in the dispersion relation of a periodic graph
Boccardo, Lucio
Existence of weak solutions for some elliptic systems
Bonthonneau, Yannick
Resolvent of vector fields and Lefschetz numbers
Boßmann, Lea
Beyond Bogoliubov dynamics
Bouin, Émeric
Hypocoercivity without confinement
Bradshaw, Zachary
Spatial decay of discretely self-similar solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
Briant, Marc
The Boltzmann equation with an external force on the torus: Incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier hydrodynamical limit
Bru, Jean-Bernard
Quantum Fluctuations and Large Deviation Principle for Microscopic Currents of Free Fermions in Disordered Media
Bungert, Leon
Structural analysis of an $L$-infinity variational problem and relations to distance functions
Burger, Martin
Structural analysis of an $L$-infinity variational problem and relations to distance functions
Burq, Nicolas
Stabilisation of wave equations on the torus with rough dampings
Burtea, Cosmin
Existence of global strong solution for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system in one dimension for strongly degenerate viscosity coefficients