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Volume 4, Issue 3
Volume 4, Issue 2
Volume 4, Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 4
Volume 3, Issue 3
Volume 3, Issue 2
Volume 3, Issue 1
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Volume 2, Issue 4
Volume 2, Issue 3
Volume 2, Issue 2
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Volume 1, Issue 3
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
The Journal
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ISSN (electronic): 2578-5885
ISSN (print): 2578-5893
Author Index
To Appear
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Functional analytic methods for discrete approximations of subwavelength resonator systems

Habib Ammari, Bryn Davies, Erik Orvehed Hiltunen

Low regularity solutions to the logarithmic Schrödinger equation

Rémi Carles, Masayuki Hayashi, Tohru Ozawa

Thermally driven fluid convection in the incompressible limit regime

Francesco Fanelli, Eduard Feireisl

Asymptotic localization in multicomponent mass conserving coagulation equations

Marina A. Ferreira, Jani Lukkarinen, Alessia Nota, Juan J. L. Velázquez

Zeros of dynamical zeta functions for hyperbolic quadratic maps

Yuqiu Fu

Generalized prolate spheroidal functions: algorithms and analysis

Philip Greengard

Continuum limit for Laplace and elliptic operators on lattices

Keita Mikami, Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano

Global results for a Cauchy problem related to biharmonic wave maps

Tobias Schmid

The X-ray transform on asymptotically conic spaces

András Vasy, Evangelie Zachos