Volume 6 Number 4
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ISSN 2578-5885 (online)
ISSN 2578-5893 (print)
Author Index
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Author Index – H
Hansen, Sönke
Propagation of polarization in transmission problems
Hari, Lysianne
Propagation of coherent states through conical intersections
Hartmann, Luiz
Resolvent Trace Asymptotics on Stratified Spaces
Haspot, Boris
Existence of global strong solution for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system in one dimension for strongly degenerate viscosity coefficients
Hassell, Andrew
$L^p$ and $\mathcal{H}^p_{FIO}$ regularity for wave equations with rough coefficients
Hauer, Daniel
Maximal L2-regularity in nonlinear gradient systems and perturbations of sublinear growth
Hayashi, Masayuki
Low regularity solutions to the logarithmic Schrödinger equation
Helffer, Bernard
On the spectrum of some Bloch-Torrey vector operators
Quantum tunneling in deep potential wells and strong magnetic field revisited
Hillairet, Matthieu
Hindered settling of well-separated particle suspensions
Hintz, Peter
Elliptic parametrices in the 0-calculus of Mazzeo and Melrose
Hitrik, Michael
Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators
Höfer, Richard
Derivation of the viscoelastic stress in Stokes flows induced by non-spherical Brownian rigid particles through homogenization
Hindered settling of well-separated particle suspensions
Hogan, James
Turbulent threshold for continuum Calogero-Moser models
Hoskins, Jeremy
On the solution of Laplace's equation in the vicinity of triple-junctions
Hunter, John
Global solutions of a surface quasi-geostrophic front equation