Volume 6 Number 4
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ISSN 2578-5885 (online)
ISSN 2578-5893 (print)
Author Index
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Author Index – S
Sá Barreto, Antônio
Inverse scattering for critical semilinear wave equations
Sabin, Julien
Sharp Weyl laws with singular potentials
Saksala, Teemu
A foliated and reversible Finsler manifold is determined by its broken scattering relation
Sämann, Clemens
A Lorentzian analog for Hausdorff dimension and measure
Schippa, Robert
On quasilinear Maxwell equations in two dimensions
Schlein, Benjamin
Landau-Pekar equations and quantum fluctuations for the dynamics of a strongly coupled polaron
Schlichting, André
Optimal stability estimates and a new uniqueness result for advection-diffusion equations
Schmeiser, Christian
Hypocoercivity without confinement
Schmid, Tobias
Global results for a Cauchy problem related to biharmonic wave maps
Schnaubelt, Roland
On quasilinear Maxwell equations in two dimensions
Schneider, David
Optimal transport and barycenters for dendritic measures
Schnieders, Inka
A maximum principle for a fourth order Dirichlet problem on smooth domains
Schratz, Katharina
Convergence error estimates at low regularity for time discretizations of KdV
Schröder, Dominik
Cusp Universality for Random Matrices II: The Real Symmetric Case
Schwinte, Valentin
Growth of Sobolev norms for coupled Lowest Landau Level equations
Seiringer, Robert
Landau-Pekar equations and quantum fluctuations for the dynamics of a strongly coupled polaron
The Local Density Approximation in Density Functional Theory
Ubiquity of bound states for the strongly coupled polaron
Seis, Christian
Optimal stability estimates and a new uniqueness result for advection-diffusion equations
Shen, Chao
Connecting dots -- from local covariance to empirical intrinsic geometry and locally linear embedding
Shen, Dawei
An index theorem on asymptotically static spacetimes with compact Cauchy surface
Sher, David
Joint asymptotic expansions for Bessel functions
Shu, Jingyang
Global solutions of a surface quasi-geostrophic front equation
Siemssen, Daniel
An Evolution Equation Approach to the Klein–Gordon Operator on Curved Spacetime
Sjöstrand, Johannes
Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators
Smith, Hart
Dispersive estimates for the wave equation on Riemannian manifolds of bounded curvature
Soffer, Avraham
Speck, Jared
Multidimensional nonlinear geometric optics for transport operators with applications to stable shock formation
Spence, Euan
Optimal constants in nontrapping resolvent estimates and applications in numerical analysis
Sharp bounds on Helmholtz impedance-to-impedance maps and application to overlapping domain decomposition
Spina, Chiara
L^p estimates for Baouendi-Grushin operators
Srivastava, Nikhil
On the ground state energies of discrete and semiclassical Schrödinger operators
Stefanov, Plamen
The transmission problem in linear isotropic elasticity
Stier, Zachary
On the ground state energies of discrete and semiclassical Schrödinger operators
Stockmeyer, Edgardo
The Dirac bag model in strong magnetic fields
Strani, Marta
Dispersive stabilization for phase transitions
Sueur, Franck
Remote trajectory tracking of rigid bodies immersed in a 2D perfect incompressible fluid
Sweers, Guido
A maximum principle for a fourth order Dirichlet problem on smooth domains