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To study nonlinear wave propagation phenomena in pantographic sheets, we propose
a dynamic model that consists of an assembly of interconnected planar nonlinear
Euler–Bernoulli beams. The interconnections are either formulated as perfect
bilateral constraints or by one-dimensional generalized force laws. Accordingly, the
spatially discretized system is described by a differential algebraic system of
equations, which is solved with an appropriate numerical solution strategy.
We analyze various wave propagation phenomena by changing the kind of
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microstructured continua, pantographic structures, wave
propagation, nonlinear beam finite elements
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 74J30, 74K10
Received: 3 March 2021
Revised: 14 May 2021
Accepted: 7 July 2021
Published: 8 February 2022
Communicated by Francesco dell'Isola