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Lightweight structures, such as fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs), become increasingly
important due to their excellent mechanical and lightweight properties. During the
manufacturing process, curing of the matrix is a dominant effect as it is highly
temperature-dependent and influences strongly the mechanical, thermal and chemical
properties of FRPs. Variations in the manufacturing process, measurement errors and
missing or incomplete information are typical causes of uncertainties. This
contribution presents a framework for an uncertainty model for the curing process of
transversely fiber-reinforced plastics. As a key idea the overall effective properties of
the cured matrix during the manufacturing process are calculated by uncertainty
homogenization models.
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polymorphic uncertainty, fuzzy, stochastic,
fuzzy-stochastic, composite spheres model, fuzzy-random,
curing of polymers, polynomial chaos expansion,
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 60A86
Received: 11 June 2021
Accepted: 15 December 2021
Published: 14 September 2022
Communicated by Paul Steinmann