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We revisit some classical and recent works on modelling sliding contact with wear
and propose their generalisation. Namely, we upgrade the relation between the
pressure and the wear rate by incorporating some nonlocal time-dependence. To this
effect, we use a combination of fractional calculus and relaxation effects. Moreover,
we consider a possibility when the load is not constant in time. The proposed model
is analysed and solved. The results are illustrated numerically and comparisons with
similar models are discussed.
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contact problems, punch motion with a constant speed, wear
of material, fractional order models
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 26A33, 45A05, 45B05, 45M05, 45P05
Received: 17 March 2022
Revised: 7 September 2022
Accepted: 10 October 2022
Published: 4 December 2022
Communicated by Emilio Barchiesi