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Theramechanics: how acting on mechanics will help conceive new medical treatments

Rachele Allena and Yves Rémond

Vol. 11 (2023), No. 4, 541–566

Since the 19th century, mechanical actions have been used to provide relief and repair injured tissues. However, recent and significant advances in the field of mechanobiology suggest that mechanics can be used far beyond the musculoskeletal system. In fact, it has been shown that mechanics plays a critical role throughout many biological phenomena and diseases. Therefore, mechanical therapies can be conceived to be applied at any scale, from molecules to organs. We want to jumpstart a new field of research to promote a new era of innovative therapies: theramechanics. First, we define this newly coined term, its basic mechanical principles as well as a brief review of some premises of theramechanics. Then, we focus on potential theramechanics in the field of bone mechanobiology and cancerogenesis. To do so, we provide the tools to build computational models enabling us to perform in silico multidisciplinary trials and conceive personalized theramechanics. We strongly believe that theramechanics will provide impressive results turning upside down the old therapy model and becoming the new clinical paradigm.

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theramechanics, in silico models, continuum mechanics, bone mechanobiology, cancerogenesis
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 74-10
Received: 7 August 2023
Revised: 2 October 2023
Accepted: 2 November 2023
Published: 1 December 2023

Communicated by Francesco dell'Isola
Rachele Allena
Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonne UMR CNRS 7351
Université Côte d’Azur
Institut Universitaire de France
Yves Rémond
ECPM - ICUBE Laboratory
University of Strasbourg / CNRS