In this study, melting of finite-length aluminum nanowires is investigated
using a mechanics-based phase field (PF) model in which the deviatoric
transformation strain provides a driving force for melting. The interface tension
and variable surface energy boundary conditions (VSEBCs) are included.
Evolution of the melt solution is obtained by solving the coupled system of
Ginzburg–Landau equation for melting, elasticity equations and a kinetic equation
for deviatoric transformation strain using COMSOL multiphysics software.
Melting temperature is calculated for various nanowire lengths and radii
which shows a good agreement with molecular dynamics (MD) and analytical
data. Effect of the VSEBCs and insulation boundary conditions (IBCs) on
melting temperature is investigated, which revealed that the variable surface
energy (VSE) is the main factor in dependence of the melting temperature
on the nanowire length. The deviatoric transformation strain also shows a
length-dependent effect on the melting temperature. The obtained results help for a
better understanding of melting mechanism of nanowires and their thermal
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