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be a normalised standard complex Gaussian vector, and project an Hermitian matrix
onto the hyperplane
orthogonal to
In a recent paper Faraut (Tunisian J. Math. 1 (2019), 585–606)
has observed that the corresponding eigenvalue PDF has an almost
identical structure to the eigenvalue PDF for the rank-1 perturbation
, and asks
for an explanation. We provide one by way of a common derivation involving the secular
equations and associated Jacobians. This applies also in a related setting, for example when
is a real Gaussian and
Hermitian, and also in
a multiplicative setting
are fixed
unitary matrices with
a multiplicative rank-1 deviation from unity, and
is a
Haar distributed unitary matrix. Specifically, in each case there is a dual eigenvalue
problem giving rise to a PDF of almost identical structure.
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Horn problem, Harish-Chandra Itzykson–Zuber integral
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 15A18, 15B52
Received: 14 June 2019
Revised: 10 July 2019
Accepted: 1 August 2019
Published: 20 May 2020