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Nous traitons des opérateurs elliptiques du second ordre
les coefficients sont vus comme des variables aléatoires. Notre but est d’obtenir des
estimations de leurs solutions qui soient polynomiales dans les coefficients. Ces
estimations sont utiles pour la quantification de l’incertitude. Nous traitons
ici le cas dans lequel le bord et l’interface sont parallèles aux hyperplans
We study second-order elliptic operators
coefficients are regarded as random variables. Our goal is to obtain estimations of
their solutions that are polynomial in the coefficients of the operator. These
estimations are useful for uncertainty quantification. Here, we will treat
the case where the boundary and interface are parallel to the hyperplanes
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parametric elliptic equations, Sobolev spaces, Laplace
operator, transmission problem, mixed boundary value
problem, uncertainty quantification
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 35R60
Secondary: 35J25, 60H35
Received: 15 March 2022
Accepted: 14 July 2022
Published: 15 January 2023