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A typical large complex-structure limit for mirror symmetry consists of toric varieties
glued to each other along their toric boundaries. Here we construct the mirror large
volume limit space as a Weinstein symplectic manifold. We prove homological mirror
symmetry: the category of coherent sheaves on the first space is equivalent to the
Fukaya category of the second.
Our equivalence intertwines the Viterbo restriction maps for a generalized
pair-of-pants cover of the symplectic manifold with the restriction of coherent sheaves
for a certain affine cover of the algebraic variety. We deduce a posteriori a
local-to-global principle conjectured by Seidel — certain diagrams of Viterbo
restrictions are cartesian — by passing Zariski descent through our mirror symmetry
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mirror symmetry, Weinstein manifolds, microlocal sheaves
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 14J33, 53D37
Received: 23 November 2021
Revised: 25 July 2022
Accepted: 9 August 2022
Published: 20 April 2023
© 2023 The Author(s), under
exclusive license to MSP (Mathematical Sciences
Publishers). |