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We study the effects of dispersive stabilization on the compressible Euler equations in
Lagrangian coordinates in the one-dimensional torus. We assume a van der Waals
pressure law, which presents both hyperbolic and elliptic zones. The dispersive
stabilization term is of Schrödinger type. In particular, the stabilized system is
complex-valued. It has a conservation law, which, for real unknowns, is identical to
the energy of the original physical system. The stabilized system supports
high-frequency solutions, with an existence time or an amplitude which depend
strongly on the pressure law.
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Euler equations, dispersive regularization, van der Waals
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 35Q31, 35Q55, 76N10
Received: 3 February 2021
Revised: 31 May 2021
Accepted: 21 August 2021
Published: 12 February 2022