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We define a one-parameter family of canonical volume measures on Lorentzian
(pre-)length spaces. In the Lorentzian setting, this allows us to define a geometric
dimension — akin to the Hausdorff dimension for metric spaces — that distinguishes
between, e.g., spacelike and null subspaces of Minkowski spacetime. The volume
measure corresponding to its geometric dimension gives a natural reference measure
on a synthetic or limiting spacetime, and allows us to define what it means for such a
spacetime to be
collapsed (in analogy with metric measure geometry and the theory
of Riemannian Ricci limit spaces). As a crucial tool we introduce a doubling
condition for causal diamonds and a notion of causal doubling measures. Moreover,
applications to continuous spacetimes and connections to synthetic timelike curvature
bounds are given.
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metric geometry, Lorentz geometry, Lorentzian length
spaces, Hausdorff dimension, synthetic curvature bounds ,
continuous spacetimes, doubling measures
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 28A75, 51K10, 53C23, 53C50, 53B30
Secondary: 53C80, 83C99
Received: 2 November 2021
Revised: 12 January 2022
Accepted: 21 February 2022
Published: 16 October 2022