Galois groups of reciprocal polynomials and the van der Waerden-Bhargava theorem
Theresa C. Anderson, Adam Bertelli, Evan M. O'Dorney
Mutation and torsion pairs
Lidia Angeleri Hügel, Rosanna Laking, Jan Šťovíček, Jorge Vitória
The integral Chow ring of weighted blow-ups
Veronica Arena, Stephen Obinna, Dan Abramovich
Explicit isogenies of prime degree over number fields
Barinder S. Banwait, Maarten Derickx
Remarks on Landau–Siegel zeros
Debmalya Basak, Jesse Thorner, Alexandru Zaharescu
Rational points of rigid-analytic sets: a Pila-Wilkie type theorem
Gal Binyamini, Fumiharu Kato
Ideals in enveloping algebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras
Rekha Biswal, Susan J. Sierra
Murmurations of modular forms in the weight aspect
Jonathan Bober, Andrew R. Booker, Min Lee, David Lowry-Duda
Weyl sums with multiplicative coefficients and joint equidistribution
Matteo Bordignon, Cynthia Bortolotto, Bryce Kerr
Paucity of rational points on fibrations with multiple fibres
Tim Browning, Julian Lyczak, Arne Smeets
On the Frobenius fields of abelian varieties over number fields
Ashay A. Burungale, Haruzo Hida, Shilin Lai
Semi-stable representations as limits of crystalline representations
Anand Chitrao, Eknath Ghate, Seidai Yasuda
Sym-Noetherianity for powers of GL-varieties
Christopher H. Chiu, Alessandro Danelon, Jan Draisma, Rob H. Eggermont, Azhar Farooq
Mean values of long Dirichlet polynomials with divisor coefficients
Fatma Çiçek, Alia Hamieh, Nathan Ng
Rigidity of modular morphisms via Fujita decomposition
Giulio Codogni, Víctor González Alonso, Sara Torelli
On the moments of one-level densities in families of holomorphic cusp forms in the level aspect
Peter Cohen, Justine Dell, Oscar E. González, Geoffrey Iyer, Simran Khunger, Chung-Hang Kwan, Steven J. Miller, Alexander Shashkov, Alicia Smith Reina, Carsten Sprunger, Nicholas Triantafillou, Nhi Truong, Roger Van Peski, Stephen Willis, Yingzi Yang
The Brauer-Manin obstruction for nonisotrivial curves over global function fields
Brendan Creutz, José Felipe Voloch, Damian Rössler
Geometry of PCF parameters in spaces of quadratic polynomials
Laura DeMarco, Niki Myrto Mavraki
Extending the unconditional support in an Iwaniec-Luo-Sarnak family
Lucile Devin, Daniel Fiorilli, Anders Södergren
Metaplectic cusp forms and the large sieve
Alexander Dunn
On the maximum gonality of a curve over a finite field
Xander Faber, Jon Grantham, Everett W. Howe
Motivic distribution of rational curves and twisted products of toric varieties
Loïs Faisant
The core of monomial ideals
Louiza Fouli, Jonathan Montaño, Claudia Polini, Bernd Ulrich
An asymptotic orthogonality relation for GL(n,R)
Dorian Goldfeld, Eric Stade, Michael Woodbury
On the Grothendieck ring of a quasireductive Lie superalgebra
Maria Gorelik, Vera Serganova, Alexander Sherman
Asymptotics of extensions of simple ℚ-algebras
Fabian Gundlach, Béranger Seguin
On the equivalence between the effective adjunction conjectures of Prokhorov-Shokurov and of Li
Jingjun Han, Jihao Liu, Qingyuan Xue
Pullback formulas for arithmetic cycles on orthogonal Shimura varieties
Benjamin Howard
Perfectoid towers and their tilts: with an application to the étale cohomology groups of local log-regular rings
Shinnosuke Ishiro, Kei Nakazato, Kazuma Shimomoto
Prismatic G-displays and descent theory
Kazuhiro Ito
Malcev completions, Hodge theory, and motives
Emil Jacobsen
Elliptic KZB connections via universal vector extensions
Tiago J. Fonseca, Nils Matthes
On the boundedness of canonical models
Junpeng Jiao
The average Mordell-Weil rank of elliptic surfaces over number fields
Remke Kloosterman
On the failure of the integral Tate conjecture for products with projective hypersurfaces
Kees Kok
Malle's conjecture for fair counting functions
Peter Koymans, Carlo Pagano
Presentations of Galois groups of maximal extensions with restricted ramification
Yuan Liu
Smooth cuboids in group theory
Joshua Maglione, Mima Stanojkovski
The Alperin weight conjecture and the Glauberman correspondence via character triples
J. Miquel Martínez, Noelia Rizo, Damiano Rossi
Smooth numbers are orthogonal to nilsequences
Lilian Matthiesen, Mengdi Wang
Chevalley formulae for the motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells and for the stable envelopes
Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Hiroshi Naruse, Changjian Su
On the minimal dimension of a faithful linear representation of a finite group
Alexander Moretó
Algebraic relations among hyperderivatives of periods and logarithms of Drinfeld modules
Changningphaabi Namoijam
Syzygies of tangent developable surfaces and K3 carpets via secant varieties
Jinhyung Park
Stacked pseudo-convergent sequences and polynomial Dedekind domains
Giulio Peruginelli
Points of bounded height on certain subvarieties of toric varieties
Marta Pieropan, Damaris Schindler
Solvable and non-solvable finite groups of the same order type
Paweł Piwek
Irregular Hodge filtration of hypergeometric differential equations
Yichen Qin, Daxin Xu
Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties via the double Bruhat graph I: Semi-infinite orbits
Felix Schremmer
Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties via the double Bruhat graph II: Iwahori-Hecke algebra
Felix Schremmer
Geometry-of-numbers methods in the cusp
Arul Shankar, Artane Siad, Ashvin A. Swaminathan, Ila Varma
Reduction theory for stably graded Lie algebras
Jack A. Thorne
The Mahler measure of exact polynomials in three variables
Trieu Thu Ha
On two definitions of wave-front sets for $p$-adic groups