Volume 19 Number 4
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Recent Issues

Volume 19
Issue 4, 617–834
Issue 3, 415–616
Issue 2, 213–413
Issue 1, 1–211

Volume 18, 12 issues

Volume 17, 12 issues

Volume 16, 10 issues

Volume 15, 10 issues

Volume 14, 10 issues

Volume 13, 10 issues

Volume 12, 10 issues

Volume 11, 10 issues

Volume 10, 10 issues

Volume 9, 10 issues

Volume 8, 10 issues

Volume 7, 10 issues

Volume 6, 8 issues

Volume 5, 8 issues

Volume 4, 8 issues

Volume 3, 8 issues

Volume 2, 8 issues

Volume 1, 4 issues

The Journal
About the journal
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Peer-review process
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Editorial board
Editors' interests
ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals

Jason P. Bell
Noncommutative algebra, arithmetic dynamics
Bhargav Bhatt
Arithmetic algebraic geometry,
especially close to characteristic p

Frank Calegari

Antoine Chambert-Loir
Diophantine geometry, heights,
Arakelov geometry, Algebraic geometry,
especially non-archimedean geometry,
tropical geometry

Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Rational points, algebraic cycles,
Galois cohomology, linear algebraic
groups, rationally connected varieties

Brian Conrad
Group schemes, rigid geometry,
abelian varieties, deformation theory

Samit Dasgupta
Algebraic number theory,
arithmetic geometry, L-functions
(classical, p-adic, special values),
automorphic forms, Iwasawa theory

David Eisenbud
Classical Algebraic Geometry, especially
the theory of curves and their moduli and
deformations; Commutative Algebra,
especially free resolutions and
Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity;
Singularity theory; Computational
methods applied to all these fields

Hélène Esnault
Cohomology theories (motivic, Hodge
theory, l-adic), rational points (finite
fields), connections (characteristic
classes, Tannaka groups)

Gavril Farkas
Algebraic geometry, moduli spaces,
algebraic curves and abelian varieties.

Sergey Fomin
Combinatorics, and its connections with
other areas of mathematics

Edward Frenkel
Representation theory and Mathematical

Wee Teck Gan

Andrew Granville
Analytic and multiplicative number
theory, elementary and algorithmic
number theory, additive combinatorics,
the abc-conjecture and consequences
Ben J. Green

Christopher Hacon
Algebraic geometry
Roger Heath-Brown
Elementary and analytic number theory,
including their applications to
Diophantine geometry

János Kollár
Algebraic geometry, especially
higher dimensional questions

Michael J. Larsen
Galois representations, abelian varieties,
group theory, representation theory

Philippe Michel
Analytic number theory
Martin Olsson
Algebraic and arithmetic geometry
Irena Peeva
Commutative algebra and its
connections with other areas

Jonathan Pila
Connections between model theory,
diophantine geometry,
and transcendental number theory.

Anand Pillay
Model theory and connections with group theory,
geometry, number theory

Bjorn Poonen
Rational points on varieties,
explicit methods, connections between
arithmetic geometry and logic
Victor Reiner
Algebraic, topological, geometric
combinatorics (e.g. combinatorial
commutative algebra and representation

Peter Sarnak
Michael Singer
Algebraic theory of differential and
difference equations and connections
with logic, symbolic computation

Vasudevan Srinivas
Algebraic cycles, geometric commutative
algebra, algebraic K-theory, homological
algebra, characteristic p methods

J. Toby Stafford
Noncommutative algebra, noncommutative
algebraic geometry

Shunsuke Takagi
Singularities of algebraic varieties,
characteristic-p methods in
commutative algebra and algebraic geometry,
local cohomology

Pham Huu Tiep
Group theory, representation theory
Ravi Vakil
Algebraic geometry (including
moduli spaces and related topics)

Akshay Venkatesh

Melanie Matchett Wood
arithmetic statistics, algebraic number theory,
arithmetic geometry (rational points, varieties
over finite fields)

Shou-Wu Zhang
Arithmetic geometry (rational points,
algebraic cycles, L-functions, and
Arakelov theory), Special varieties
(curves and their moduli, abelian
varieties and Shimura varieties,
algebraic dynamical systems).