Recent Issues

Volume 18
Issue 2, 279–548
Issue 1, 1–278

Volume 17, 10 issues

Volume 16, 10 issues

Volume 15, 8 issues

Volume 14, 8 issues

Volume 13, 8 issues

Volume 12, 8 issues

Volume 11, 8 issues

Volume 10, 8 issues

Volume 9, 8 issues

Volume 8, 8 issues

Volume 7, 8 issues

Volume 6, 8 issues

Volume 5, 5 issues

Volume 4, 5 issues

Volume 3, 4 issues

Volume 2, 3 issues

Volume 1, 3 issues

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ISSN 1948-206X (online)
ISSN 2157-5045 (print)
Author index
To appear
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Spectral asymptotics of the Neumann Laplacian with variable magnetic field on a smooth bounded domain in three dimensions

Maha Aafarani, Khaled Abou Alfa, Frédéric Hérau, Nicolas Raymond

Multijet bundles and application to the finiteness of moments for zeros of Gaussian fields

Michele Ancona, Thomas Letendre

Damped Strichartz estimates and the incompressible Euler–Maxwell system

Diogo Arsénio, Haroune Houamed

The fractal uncertainty principle via Dolgopyat's method in higher dimensions

Aidan Backus, James Leng, Zhongkai Tao

Regularized Brascamp–Lieb inequalities

Neal Bez, Shohei Nakamura

Global existence and modified scattering for the solutions to the Vlasov-Maxwell system with a small distribution function

Léo Bigorgne

Focusing dynamics of 2D Bose gases in the instability regime

Lea Boßmann, Charlotte Dietze, Phan Thành Nam

A new approach to the mean-field limit of Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations

Didier Bresch, Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, Juan Soler

Quantitative stability of Gel'fand's inverse boundary problem

Dmitri Burago, Sergei Ivanov, Matti Lassas, Jinpeng Lu

Uniform contractivity of the Fisher infinitesimal model with strongly convex selection

Vincent Calvez, David Poyato, Filippo Santambrogio

Spectral estimates for free boundary minimal surfaces via Montiel-Ros partitioning methods

Alessandro Carlotto, Mario B. Schulz, David Wiygul

Reconstruction for the Calderón problem with Lipschitz conductivities

Pedro Caro, María Ángeles García-Ferrero, Keith M. Rogers

Entropy solutions to macroscopic IPM

Ángel Castro, Daniel Faraco, Björn Gebhard

Weakly turbulent solution to the Schrödinger equation on the two-dimensional torus with real potential decaying to zero at infinity

Ambre Chabert

Rigidity for von Neumann algebras of graph product groups. I. Structure of automorphisms

Ionuţ Chifan, Michael Davis, Daniel Drimbe

A Marcinkiewicz multiplier theory for Schur multipliers

Chian Yeong Chuah, Zhen-Chuan Liu, Tao Mei

Fractal uncertainty for discrete 2D Cantor sets

Alex Cohen

Quasilinear wave equations on asymptotically flat spacetimes with applications to Kerr black holes

Mihalis Dafermos, Gustav Holzegel, Igor Rodnianski, Martin Taylor

Long-time behavior of the Stokes-transport system in a channel

Anne-Laure Dalibard, Julien Guillod, Antoine Leblond

Global well-posedness for 2D inhomogeneous viscous flows with rough data via dynamic interpolation

Raphaël Danchin

Constant sign and sign changing NLS ground states on noncompact metric graphs

Colette de Coster, Simone Dovetta, Damien Galant, Enrico Serra, Christophe Troestler

Continuous symmetrizations and uniqueness of solutions to nonlocal equations

Matias G. Delgadino, Mary Vaughan

Margulis Lemma on RCD(K,N) spaces

Qin Deng, Jaime Santos-Rodríguez, Sergio Zamora, Xinrui Zhao

Liouville theorem for minimal graphs over manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature

Qi Ding

Quantitative stability for the complex Monge-Ampère equations I

Hoang-Son Do, Duc-Viet Vu

Optimal blowup stability for three-dimensional wave maps

Roland Donninger, David Wallauch

The $\sigma_k$-Loewner-Nirenberg problem on Riemannian manifolds for $k< \frac{n}{2}$

Jonah A. J. Duncan, Luc Nguyen

Stahl--Totik regularity for continuum Schrödinger operators

Benjamin Eichinger, Milivoje Lukić

Strong ill-posedness in $L∞$ for the Riesz transform problem

Tarek M. Elgindi, Karim R. Shikh Khalil

Cosmic Censorship near FLRW spacetimes with negative spatial curvature

David Fajman, Liam Urban

Uniform bounds for bilinear symbols with linear K-quasiconformally embedded singularity

Marco Fraccaroli, Olli Saari, Christoph Thiele

Epsilon-regularity for the Brakke flow with boundary

Carlo Gasparetto

Robust nonlocal trace and extension theorems

Florian Grube, Moritz Kassmann

$l^2$ decoupling theorem for surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Larry Guth, Dominique Maldague, Changkeun Oh

Consequences of the random matrix solution to the Peterson-Thom conjecture

Ben Hayes, David Jekel, Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli

Microlocal analysis near null infinity in asymptotically flat spacetimes

Peter Hintz, András Vasy

Existence of solutions to a fractional semilinear heat equation in uniformly local weak Zygmund type spaces

Norisuke Ioku, Kazuhiro Ishige, Tatsuki Kawakami

Quantized slow blow-up dynamics for the energy-critical corotational wave maps problem

Uihyeon Jeong

Complex Hessian measures with respect to a background Hermitian form

Sławomir Kołodziej, Ngoc Cuong Nguyen

Stability and Lorentzian geometry for an inverse problem of a semi-linear wave equation

Matti Lassas, Tony Liimatainen, Leyter Potenciano-Machado, Teemu Tyni

Characterization of weighted Hardy spaces on which all composition operators are bounded

Pascal Lefèvre, Daniel Li, Hervé Queffélec, Luis Rodríguez-Piazza

Double duals and Hilbert modules

Huaxin Lin

Linear potentials and applications in conformal geometry

Shiguang Ma, Jie Qing

On the kink-kink collision problem for the ϕ6 model with low speed

Abdon Moutinho

Observability of the Schrödinger equation with subquadratic confining potential in the Euclidean space

Antoine Prouff

Regularity for nonlocal equations with local Neumann boundary conditions

Xavier Ros-Oton, Marvin Weidner

Rotating spirals in segregated reaction-diffusion systems

Ariel Salort, Susanna Terracini, Gianmaria Verzini, Alessandro Zilio

Hessian estimates for special Lagrangian equation by doubling

Ravi Shankar

Equivariant property Gamma and the tracial local-to-global principle for C*-dynamics

Gábor Szabó, Lise Wouters

Stochastic homogenization for variational solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Claude Viterbo

Microlocal partition of energy for fractional-type dispersive equations

Haocheng Yang

The $L^{\infty}$ estimate for parabolic complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations

Qizhi Zhao