Submission Guidelines

Recent Issues

Volume 24
Issue 9, 4731–5219
Issue 8, 4139–4730
Issue 7, 3571–4137
Issue 6, 2971–3570
Issue 5, 2389–2970
Issue 4, 1809–2387
Issue 3, 1225–1808
Issue 2, 595–1223
Issue 1, 1–594

Volume 23, 9 issues

Volume 22, 8 issues

Volume 21, 7 issues

Volume 20, 7 issues

Volume 19, 7 issues

Volume 18, 7 issues

Volume 17, 6 issues

Volume 16, 6 issues

Volume 15, 6 issues

Volume 14, 6 issues

Volume 13, 6 issues

Volume 12, 4 issues

Volume 11, 5 issues

Volume 10, 4 issues

Volume 9, 4 issues

Volume 8, 4 issues

Volume 7, 4 issues

Volume 6, 5 issues

Volume 5, 4 issues

Volume 4, 2 issues

Volume 3, 2 issues

Volume 2, 2 issues

Volume 1, 2 issues

The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1472-2739 (online)
ISSN 1472-2747 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals

This is a short summary of the LaTeX instructions. Full instructions are given in gtpartdoc.pdf. Conversion to our house style is completely optional; you may submit your source files in any format and we will do any necessary conversion in the production process.

Authors are expected to submit articles in well-structured LaTeX. This means at the very least:

  • Bibliography structured using standard LaTeX syntax (or generated by BiBTeX) with citations made using the \cite command in one of the forms \cite{Dold87} or \cite[Theorem 3.7]{Dold87}.
  • Sections, subsections, figures etc, labeled using \label and cross-referenced using \ref.
  • Numbered theorems, remarks, definitions etc, set out using proper environments (defined using appropriate \newtheorem commands) and again labeled with \label and cross-referenced using \ref.
  • Equations, where numbered, again labeled and cross-referenced using \label and \ref.
  • Multiline equation displays set out using proper environments (eg {align}, {gather}).
  • Figures and tables allowed to float (unless small---say 1 inch maximum height) by using the {figure} or {table} environments.
  • Figures, whether prepared electronically or hand-drawn, must be of publication quality. Fuzzy or sloppily drawn figures will not be accepted. If you're not sure whether a particular figure is acceptable, check with production by sending an email to . (See below for further information about graphics.)
Document structure

You are strongly encouraged to give a structured outline of your paper in the introduction.

Do not use the \thanks field. You are encouraged to have a (sub)subsection called Acknowledgements, either at the end of the introduction or immediately preceding the bibliography.


We expect to maintain a very high standard in all graphical content:

  • Graphics should be prepared electronically unless this is completely impractical. Figures should normally be vector graphics and submitted either in PDF or EPS format.
  • Bitmapped figures (eg JPG or PNG filetypes) should be generated at the highest possible resolution (at least 300 dpi).
  • Figure labels should be generated using LaTeX, so we can edit the results if necessary. This will make the label fonts match the fonts used throughout the paper, and also allows us to resize the figures to satisfy the needs of the layout without making labels illegible. We have written the LaTeX package pinlabel for this purpose. It is available here, or from CTAN, and is also included in the MiKTeX and TeXlive distributions. Comprehensive documentation for this package can be found here. The auxiliary program labelpin can be used to easily generate coordinates for placing labels. If you are having trouble setting up or using pinlabel (or labelpin), please contact us at .
  • If you cannot use pinlabel, acceptable alternatives are xfig two-part output (which uses TeX code for the labels), overpic and labelfig. Please avoid drawing packages such as pstricks, rlepsf and psfrag, which write directly into postscript and are incompatible with pdflatex.
  • Where space allows, please typeset labels \small, and certainly no bigger.
House style

If you wish to prepare your article in house style, use the journal's public LaTeX class file, gtpart.cls. We supply a template for this purpose, gtlatex.tem. This class file is fully compatible with both LaTeX article style and amslatex amsart style, so authors who normally use either of these styles should find this format congenial. Note that the fonts used in production are not quite the same as those used by gtpart.cls. This is because we use commercial fonts for the mathematics, resulting in a better layout. This has the unfortunate side-effect that page and line breaks may vary from those in your prepared file.

The BiBTeX house style file is gtart.bst, though you can prepare your file using any style you please. It will be converted to house style automatically as part of the production process.

Using pdflatex

The journal uses pdflatex for final production. If you use it to compile your article then you can use the [microtype] option (\documentclass[microtype]{gtpart}) with gtpart.cls, which considerably improves layout and makes your article more closely approximate the final published article. If your graphics files are in EPS format, you will need to convert them to PDF format using epstopdf.