Recent Issues

Volume 24
Issue 7, 3571–4137
Issue 6, 2971–3570
Issue 5, 2389–2970
Issue 4, 1809–2387
Issue 3, 1225–1808
Issue 2, 595–1223
Issue 1, 1–594

Volume 23, 9 issues

Volume 22, 8 issues

Volume 21, 7 issues

Volume 20, 7 issues

Volume 19, 7 issues

Volume 18, 7 issues

Volume 17, 6 issues

Volume 16, 6 issues

Volume 15, 6 issues

Volume 14, 6 issues

Volume 13, 6 issues

Volume 12, 4 issues

Volume 11, 5 issues

Volume 10, 4 issues

Volume 9, 4 issues

Volume 8, 4 issues

Volume 7, 4 issues

Volume 6, 5 issues

Volume 5, 4 issues

Volume 4, 2 issues

Volume 3, 2 issues

Volume 2, 2 issues

Volume 1, 2 issues

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ISSN 1472-2739 (online)
ISSN 1472-2747 (print)
Author Index
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In  Forthcoming  Issues
Algebraicity in monochromatic homotopy theory

Torgeir Aambø

Infinite-type loxodromic isometries of the relative arc graph

Carolyn Abbott, Nicholas Miller, Priyam Patel

Harmonic measures and rigidity for surface group actions on the circle

Masanori Adachi, Yoshifumi Matsuda, Hiraku Nozawa

On contact mapping classes of prequantizations

Souheib Allout, Murat Sağlam

Topological symmetry groups of the generalized Petersen graphs

Angelynn Álvarez, Erica Flapan, Mark Hunnell, John Hutchens, Emille Lawrence, Paul Lewis, Candice Price, Ruth Vanderpool

A cubical Rips construction

Macarena Arenas

Classification of metric fibrations

Yasuhiko Asao

Singular Legendrian unknot links and relative Ginzburg algebras

Johan Asplund

Circular orderability of 3-manifold groups

Idrissa Ba, Adam Clay

Simple balanced three-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture

Neda Bagherifard, Eaman Eftekhary

The generalized Kauffman-Harary conjecture is true

Rhea Palak Bakshi, Huizheng Guo, Gabriel Montoya-Vega, Sujoy Mukherjee, Józef H. Przytycki

Small Heegaard genus and SU(2)

John A. Baldwin, Steven Sivek

Tame and relatively elliptic $\mathbb{CP}^1$-structures on the thrice-punctured sphere

Samuel A. Ballas, Philip L. Bowers, Alex Casella, Lorenzo Ruffoni

Cofibrantly generated model structures for functor calculus

Lauren Bandklayder, Julie Bergner, Rhiannon Griffiths, Brenda Johnson, Rekha Santhanam

Coarse cohomology of configuration space and coarse embedding

Arka Banerjee

Envelopes for algebraic patterns

Shaul Barkan, Rune Haugseng, Jan Steinebrunner

Segalification and the Boardman-Vogt tensor product

Shaul Barkan, Jan Steinebrunner

An exotic presentation of $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$ and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture

Jonathan Ariel Barmak

Classification of genus-two surfaces in $S^3$

Filippo Baroni

Local indicability of groups with homology circle presentations

Agustín Nicolás Barreto, Elías Gabriel Minian

Recipes to compute the algebraic K-theory of Hecke algebras of reductive p-adic groups

Arthur Bartels, Wolfgang Lück

Equivariant cohomology of projective spaces

Samik Basu, Pinka Dey, Aparajita Karmakar

Power sum elements in the $G_2$ skein algebra

Bodie Beaumont-Gould, Erik Brodsky, Vijay Higgins, Alaina Hogan, Joseph M. Melby, Joshua Piazza

An upper bound conjecture for the Yokota invariant

Giulio Belletti

Derived character maps of group representations

Yuri Berest, Ajay C. Ramadoss

Classifying spaces of infinity-sheaves

Daniel Berwick-Evans, Pedro Boavida de Brito, Dmitri Pavlov

On the nonorientable four-ball genus of torus knots

Fraser Binns, Sungkyung Kang, Jonathan Simone, Paula Truöl

A group-theoretic framework for low-dimensional topology or, how not to study low-dimensional topology?

Sarah Blackwell, Robion Kirby, Michael R. Klug, Vincent Longo, Benjamin Ruppik

Closures of T-homogeneous braids are real algebraic

Benjamin Bode

Geometric and arithmetic properties of Löbell polyhedra

Nikolay Bogachev, Sami Douba

The Sn-equivariant Euler characteristic of the moduli space of graphs

Michael Borinsky, Jos Vermaseren

Heegaard Floer homology, knotifications of links, and plane curves with non-cuspidal singularities

Maciej Borodzik, Beibei Liu, Ian Zemke

Finite groups of untwisted outer automorphisms of RAAGs

Corey Bregman, Ruth Charney, Karen Vogtmann

Hamiltonian classification of toric fibres and symmetric probes

Joé Brendel

Alexandrov theorem for 2+1 flat radiant spacetimes

Léo Brunswic

Crushing surfaces of positive genus

Benjamin A. Burton, Thiago de Paiva, Alexander He, Connie On Yu Hui

Generalised Baumslag-Solitar groups and hierarchically hyperbolic groups

Jack O. Button

Surgery sequences and self-similarity of the Mandelbrot set

Danny Calegari

Morse elements in Garside groups are strongly contracting

Matthieu Calvez, Bert Wiest

Exact Lagrangian tori in symplectic Milnor fibers constructed with fillings

Orsola Capovilla-Searle

Multipath cohomology of directed graphs

Luigi Caputi, Carlo Collari, Sabino Di Trani

The cohomology of biquotients via a product on the two-sided bar construction

Jeffrey D. Carlson, Matthias Franz

Asymptotic cones of snowflake groups and the strong shortcut property

Christopher H. Cashen, Nima Hoda, Daniel J. Woodhouse

Endomorphisms of Artin groups of type D

Fabrice Castel, Luis Paris

Infinitely many homeomorphic hyperbolic plugs with the same basic sets

Fangfang Chen

An overtwisted convex hypersurface in higher dimensions

River Chiang, Klaus Niederkrüger

Small cancellation and outer automorphisms of Kazhdan groups acting on hyperbolic spaces

Ionuţ Chifan, Adrian Ioana, Denis V. Osin, Bin Sun

Homotopy ribbon discs with a fixed group

Anthony Conway

Intersection norms on surfaces and Birkhoff sections for geodesic flows

Marcos Cossarini, Pierre Dehornoy

Computations on cobordism groups of projected immersions

András Csépai

Cubulating a free-product-by-cyclic group

François Dahmani, Suraj Krishna Meda Satish

Strong topological rigidity of non-compact orientable surfaces

Sumanta Das

The Goldman bracket characterizes homeomorphisms between non-compact surfaces

Sumanta Das, Siddhartha Gadgil, Ajay Kumar Nair

Weinstein presentations for high-dimensional antisurgery

Ipsita Datta, Oleg Lazarev, Chindu Mohanakumar, Angela Wu

Whitney tower concordance and knots in homology spheres

Christopher William Davis

A Quillen stability criterion for bounded cohomology

Carlos de la Cruz Mengual, Tobias Hartnick

Braided multitwists

Rodrigo de Pool

Thin knots and the cabling conjecture

Robert DeYeso III

A new invariant of equivariant concordance and results on 2-bridge knots

Alessio Di Prisa, Giovanni Framba

Multitwists in big mapping class groups

George Domat, Federica Fanoni, Sebastian Hensel

Synthetic approach to the Quillen model structure on topological spaces

Sterling Ebel, Krzysztof Kapulkin

Hierarchies for Relatively Hyperbolic Virtually Special Groups

Eduard Einstein

All known realizations of complete Lie algebras coincide

Yves Félix, Mario Fuentes, Aniceto Murillo

Generalizing quasi-categories via model structures on simplicial sets

Matt Feller

On positive braids, monodromy groups and framings

Livio Ferretti

Shrinking without doing much at all

Michael Freedman, Michael Starbird

Rational homology ribbon cobordism is a partial order

Stefan Friedl, Filip Misev, Raphael Zentner

Equivariant double-slice genus, stabilization, and equivariant stabilization

Malcolm Gabbard

Cartesian fibrations of $(\infty,2)$-categories

Andrea Gagna, Yonatan Harpaz, Edoardo Lanari

Diffeomorphisms of the 4-sphere, Cerf theory and Montesinos twins

David T. Gay

Relations amongst twists along Montesinos twins in the 4-sphere

David T. Gay, Daniel Hartman

On the resolution of kinks of curves on punctured surfaces

Christof Geiss, Daniel Labardini-Fragoso

Geometry of free extensions of free groups via automorphisms with fixed points on the complex of free factors

Pritam Ghosh, Funda Gültepe

Chern character for infinity vector bundles

Cheyne Glass, Micah Miller, Thomas Tradler, Mahmoud Zeinalian

Characterising quasi-isometries of the free group

Antoine Goldsborough, Stefanie Zbinden

Random Artin groups

Antoine Goldsborough, Nicolas Vaskou

The homotopy type of the PL cobordism category. II

Mauricio Gómez López

The homotopy type of the PL cobordism category. I

Mauricio Gómez López

The right angled artin group functor as a categorical embedding

Chris Grossack

Presheaves of groupoids as models for homotopy types

Léonard Guetta

The slices of quaternionic Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra

Bertrand J. Guillou, Carissa Slone

A minimality property for knots without Khovanov 2-torsion

Onkar Singh Gujral, Joshua Wang

Embedding Croke-Kleiner admissible groups into finite product of trees

Suzhen Han, Hoang Thanh Nguyen, Wen-Yuan Yang

On k-invariants for (infinity, n)-categories

Yonatan Harpaz, Joost Nuiten, Matan Prasma

Algebras for enriched infinity-operads

Rune Haugseng

Representation-graded Bredon homology of elementary abelian 2-groups

Markus Hausmann, Stefan Schwede

Line bundle twists for unitary bordism are ghosts

Thorsten Hertl

Non-uniform lattices of large systole containing a fixed 3-manifold group

Paige Hillen

Holomorphic polygons and the bordered Heegaard Floer homology of link complements

Thomas Hockenhull

A K-theory spectrum for cobordism cut and paste groups

Renee S. Hoekzema, Carmen Rovi, Julia Semikina

Atiyah-Segal completion for the Hermitian K-theory of symplectic groups

Jens Hornbostel, Herman Rohrbach, Marcus Zibrowius

A-polynomials, Ptolemy equations and Dehn filling

Joshua A. Howie, Daniel V. Mathews, Jessica S. Purcell

Coarse Alexander duality for pairs and applications

G. Christopher Hruska, Emily Stark, Hùng Công Trần

Band diagrams of immersed surfaces in 4-manifolds

Mark Hughes, Seungwon Kim, Maggie Miller

The Curtis-Wellington spectral sequence through cohomology

Dana Hunter

Instanton knot invariants with rational holonomy parameters and an application for torus knot groups

Hayato Imori

Unbounded $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-laminations and their shear coordinates

Tsukasa Ishibashi, Shunsuke Kano

Slope norm and an algorithm to compute the crosscap number

William Jaco, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann

Complexity of 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn filling

William Jaco, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann

The geometry of subgroup embeddings and asymptotic cones

Andy Jarnevic

On the involutive Heegaard Floer homology of negative semi-definite plumbed 3-manifolds with $b_{1}=1$

Peter K. Johnson

Bridge trisections and Seifert solids

Jason Joseph, Jeffrey Meier, Maggie Miller, Alexander Zupan

A geometric computation of cohomotopy groups in co-degree one

Michael Jung, Thomas O. Rot

Generating the liftable mapping class groups of cyclic covers of spheres

Pankaj Kapari, Kashyap Rajeevsarathy, Apeksha Sanghi

Real algebraic overtwisted contact structures on 3-spheres

Şeyma Karadereli, Ferit Öztürk

The space of non-extendable quasimorphisms

Morimichi Kawasaki, Mitsuaki Kimura, Shuhei Maruyama, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura

Product set growth in virtual subgroups of mapping class groups

Alice Kerr

The $\Z/p$-equivariant cohomology of genus zero Deligne-Mumford space with $1+p$ marked points

Dain Kim, Nicholas Wilkins


Chris Kottke, Richard Melrose

Pullbacks of metric bundles and Cannon-Thurston maps

Swathi Krishna, Pranab Sardar

Combinatorial proof of Maslov index formula in Heegaard Floer theory

Roman Krutowski

Fully augmented links in the thickened torus

Alice Kwon

Cutting and pasting in the Torelli subgroup of Out(Fn)

Jacob Landgraf

Hyperbolic groups with logarithmic separation profile

Nir Lazarovich, Corentin Le Coz

Highly twisted diagrams

Nir Lazarovich, Yoav Moriah, Tali Pinsky

A new twist on modular links from an old perspective

Khanh Q. Le

Automorphisms of some variants of fine graphs

Frédéric Le Roux, Maxime Wolff

Calabi-Yau structure on the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of a Legendrian sphere

Noémie Legout

Fibered 3-manifolds and Veech groups

Christopher J. Leininger, Kasra Rafi, Nicholas Rouse, Emily Shinkle, Yvon Verberne

A deformation of Asaeda-Przytycki-Sikora homology

Zhenkun Li, Yi Xie, Boyu Zhang

Horizontal decompositions, II

Paolo Lisca, Andrea Parma

Constructing rational homology 3-spheres that bound rational homology 4-balls

Lisa Lokteva

Arithmetic representations of mapping class groups

Eduard Looijenga

Enriched quasi-categories and the templicial homotopy coherent nerve

Wendy Lowen, Arne Mertens

Topology and geometry of flagness and beltness of simple handlebodies

Zhi Lü, Lisu Wu

One point compactifications of configuration spaces and the self duality of the little disks operad

Connor Malin

Action of the Mazur pattern up to topological concordance

Alex Manchester

Anosov flows and Liouville pairs in dimension three

Thomas Massoni

Linear bounds of the crosscap number of knots

Rob McConkey

Flat fully augmented links are determined by their complements

Christian Millichap, Rolland Trapp

Quasiconvexity of virtual joins and separability of products in relatively hyperbolic groups

Ashot Minasyan, Lawk Mineh

Warped product metrics on hyperbolic and complex hyperbolic manifolds

Barry Minemyer

Cubulating drilled bundles over graphs

Mahan Mj, Biswajit Nag

Localization of a $KO^{\ast}(\text{pt})$-valued index and the orientability of the $\mathrm{Pin}^-(2)$ monopole moduli space

Jin Miyazawa

A note on embeddings of 3-manifolds in symplectic 4-manifolds

Anubhav Mukherjee

The asymptotic behaviors of the colored Jones polynomials of the figure eight-knot, and an affine representation

Hitoshi Murakami

Shadows of 2-knots and complexity

Hironobu Naoe

Building weight-free Følner sets for Yu's property A in coarse geometry

Graham A. Niblo, Nick Wright, Jiawen Zhang

Monoidal properties of Franke's exotic equivalence

Nikitas Nikandros, Constanze Roitzheim

Large volume fibered knots in 3-manifolds

J. Robert Oakley

Toward a topological description of Legendrian contact homology of unit conormal bundles

Yukihiro Okamoto

Rank-preserving additions for topological vector bundles, after a construction of Horrocks

Morgan Opie

The $H \underline{\mathbb{F}}_2$-homology of $C_2$-equivariant Eilenberg-MacLane spaces

Sarah Petersen

Mapping tori of $A_{\infty}$-autoequivalences and Legendrian lifts of exact Lagrangians in circular contactizations

Adrian Petr

On keen weakly reducible bridge spheres

Puttipong Pongtanapaisan, Daniel Rodman

An RBG construction of integral surgery homeomorphisms

Qianhe Qin

On the profinite distinguishability of hyperbolic Dehn fillings of finite-volume 3-manifolds

Paul Rapoport

Positive intermediate Ricci curvature on connected sums

Philipp Reiser, David J. Wraith

Upper bounds for the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links

Joshua M. Sabloff, David Shea Vela-Vick, C.-M. Michael Wong

Equivariant intrinsic formality

Rekha Santhanam, Soumyadip Thandar

Powell's conjecture on the Goeritz group of S^3 is stably true

Martin Scharlemann

A note on knot Floer homology of satellite knots with (1,1)-patterns

Weizhe Shen

A cubulation with no factor system

Sam Shepherd

Higher symplectic capacities

Kyler Siegel

On the structure of the $RO(G)$-graded homotopy of $H\underline{M}$ for cyclic $p$-groups

Igor Sikora, Guoqi Yan

Homological stability for the ribbon Higman--Thompson groups

Rachel Skipper, Xiaolei Wu

Linear, linkless embeddings: Proof of a conjecture by Sachs

Lynn Stanfield

$\mathrm{K}$-cowaist on complete foliated manifolds

GuangXiang Su, Xiangsheng Wang

Virtual domination of 3-manifolds III

Hongbin Sun

Index bounded relative symplectic cohomology

Yuhan Sun

Spaces over BO are thickened manifolds

Hiro Lee Tanaka

Non-commutative divergence and the Turaev cobracket

Toyo Taniguchi

Relative h-principle and contact geometry

Jacob Taylor

The enumeration and classification of prime 20-crossing knots

Morwen B. Thistlethwaite

An example of higher-dimensional Heegaard Floer homology

Yin Tian, Tianyu Yuan

On the topology of character varieties of once-punctured torus bundles

Stephan Tillmann, Youheng Yao

BNSR-invariants of surface Houghton groups

Noah Torgerson, Jeremy West

Interleaving Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences

Alvaro Torras Casas, Ulrich Pennig

Projective twists and the Hopf correspondence

Brunella Torricelli

On the invariance of the Dowlin spectral sequence

Samuel Tripp, Zachary Winkeler

The Kakimizu complex for genus one hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere

Luis G. Valdez-Sánchez

Pre-Lie algebras with divided powers and the Deligne groupoid in positive characteristic

Marvin Verstraete

Verdier duality on conically smooth stratified spaces

Marco Volpe

Loop homology of moment-angle complexes in the flag case

Fedor Vylegzhanin

Kauffman bracket intertwiners and the volume conjecture

Zhihao Wang

A note on rational maps with three branching points on the Riemann sphere

Zhiqiang Wei, Yingyi Wu, Bin Xu

Rigidity of elliptic genera for non-spin manifolds

Michael Wiemeler

On the homotopy groups of the suspended quaternionic projective plane and applications

Juxin Yang, Juno Mukai, Jie Wu

Product and coproduct on fixed point Floer homology of positive Dehn twists

Yuan Yao, Ziwen Zhao

$T$-equivariant motives of flag varieties

Can Yaylali

Cocycles of the space of long embeddings and BCR graphs with more than one loop

Leo Yoshioka

Zero stability for the one-row colored $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-Jones polynomial

Wataru Yuasa

Coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space into Hilbert spaces

Nicolò Zava

Quillen homology of spectral Lie algebras with application to mod $p$ homology of labeled configuration spaces

Adela YiYu Zhang

Formality of sphere bundles

Jiawei Zhou