Algebraicity in monochromatic homotopy theory
Torgeir Aambø
The quasi-isometry invariance of the coset intersection complex
Carolyn Abbott, Eduardo Martínez-Pedroza
Harmonic measures and rigidity for surface group actions on the circle
Masanori Adachi, Yoshifumi Matsuda, Hiraku Nozawa
On contact mapping classes of prequantizations
Souheib Allout, Murat Sağlam
Topological symmetry groups of the generalized Petersen graphs
Angelynn Álvarez, Erica Flapan, Mark Hunnell, John Hutchens, Emille Lawrence, Paul Lewis, Candice Price, Ruth Vanderpool
Suspension splittings of 5-dimensional Poincare duality complexes and their applications
Steven Amelotte, Tyrone Cutler, Tseleung So
Low complexity among principal fully irreducible elements of Out(F_3)
Naomi Andrew, Paige Hillen, Robert Alonzo Lyman, Catherine Eva Pfaff
Classification of metric fibrations
Yasuhiko Asao
Singular Legendrian unknot links and relative Ginzburg algebras
Johan Asplund
Realizing pairs of multicurves as cylinders on translation surfaces
Juliet Aygun, Janet Barkdoll, Aaron Calderon, Jenavie Lorman, Theodore Sandstrom
Circular orderability of 3-manifold groups
Idrissa Ba, Adam Clay
Flat semigroups and weighted homogeneous surface singularities
Zsolt Baja, Tamás László
The generalized Kauffman-Harary conjecture is true
Rhea Palak Bakshi, Huizheng Guo, Gabriel Montoya-Vega, Sujoy Mukherjee, Józef H. Przytycki
Small Heegaard genus and SU(2)
John A. Baldwin, Steven Sivek
Cofibrantly generated model structures for functor calculus
Lauren Bandklayder, Julie Bergner, Rhiannon Griffiths, Brenda Johnson, Rekha Santhanam
Coarse cohomology of configuration space and coarse embedding
Arka Banerjee
Envelopes for algebraic patterns
Shaul Barkan, Rune Haugseng, Jan Steinebrunner
Segalification and the Boardman-Vogt tensor product
Shaul Barkan, Jan Steinebrunner
Classification of genus-two surfaces in $S^3$
Filippo Baroni
Local indicability of groups with homology circle presentations
Agustín Nicolás Barreto, Elías Gabriel Minian
Recipes to compute the algebraic K-theory of Hecke algebras of reductive p-adic groups
Arthur Bartels, Wolfgang Lück
Equivariant cohomology of projective spaces
Samik Basu, Pinka Dey, Aparajita Karmakar
Power sum elements in the $G_2$ skein algebra
Bodie Beaumont-Gould, Erik Brodsky, Vijay Higgins, Alaina Hogan, Joseph M. Melby, Joshua Piazza
An upper bound conjecture for the Yokota invariant
Giulio Belletti
On the nonorientable four-ball genus of torus knots
Fraser Binns, Sungkyung Kang, Jonathan Simone, Paula Truöl
A group-theoretic framework for low-dimensional topology or, how not to study low-dimensional topology?
Sarah Blackwell, Robion Kirby, Michael R. Klug, Vincent Longo, Benjamin Ruppik
Closures of T-homogeneous braids are real algebraic
Benjamin Bode
Geometric and arithmetic properties of Löbell polyhedra
Nikolay Bogachev, Sami Douba
Extensions of finitely generated Veech groups
Eliot Bongiovanni
The Sn-equivariant Euler characteristic of the moduli space of graphs
Michael Borinsky, Jos Vermaseren
Finite groups of untwisted outer automorphisms of RAAGs
Corey Bregman, Ruth Charney, Karen Vogtmann
Hamiltonian classification of toric fibres and symmetric probes
Joé Brendel
Alexandrov theorem for 2+1 flat radiant spacetimes
Léo Brunswic
KSp-characteristic classes determine Spin$^h$ cobordism
Jonathan Buchanan, Stephen McKean
Crushing surfaces of positive genus
Benjamin A. Burton, Thiago de Paiva, Alexander He, Connie On Yu Hui
Generalised Baumslag-Solitar groups and hierarchically hyperbolic groups
Jack O. Button
Surgery sequences and self-similarity of the Mandelbrot set
Danny Calegari
Exact Lagrangian tori in symplectic Milnor fibers constructed with fillings
Orsola Capovilla-Searle
The cohomology of biquotients via a product on the two-sided bar construction
Jeffrey D. Carlson, Matthias Franz
Asymptotic cones of snowflake groups and the strong shortcut property
Christopher H. Cashen, Nima Hoda, Daniel J. Woodhouse
Endomorphisms of Artin groups of type D
Fabrice Castel, Luis Paris
Infinitely many homeomorphic hyperbolic plugs with the same basic sets
Fangfang Chen
Cusp-transitive 4-manifolds with every cusp section
Jacopo G. Chen, Edoardo Rizzi
Kontsevich's characteristic classes as topological invariants of configuration space bundles
Xujia Chen
An overtwisted convex hypersurface in higher dimensions
River Chiang, Klaus Niederkrüger
Small cancellation and outer automorphisms of Kazhdan groups acting on hyperbolic spaces
Ionuţ Chifan, Adrian Ioana, Denis V. Osin, Bin Sun
The primitive curve complex for a handlebody
Sangbum Cho, Jung Hoon Lee
Stellar subdivisions, wedges and Buchstaber numbers
Suyoung Choi, Hyeontae Jang
A diagrammatic computation of abelian link invariants
David Cimasoni, Livio Ferretti, Jessica Liu
Intersection norms on surfaces and Birkhoff sections for geodesic flows
Marcos Cossarini, Pierre Dehornoy
Computations on cobordism groups of projected immersions
András Csépai
Cubulating a free-product-by-cyclic group
François Dahmani, Suraj Krishna Meda Satish
The Goldman bracket characterizes homeomorphisms between non-compact surfaces
Sumanta Das, Siddhartha Gadgil, Ajay Kumar Nair
Weinstein presentations for high-dimensional antisurgery
Ipsita Datta, Oleg Lazarev, Chindu Mohanakumar, Angela Wu
Whitney tower concordance and knots in homology spheres
Christopher W. Davis
A Quillen stability criterion for bounded cohomology
Carlos de la Cruz Mengual, Tobias Hartnick
Braided multitwists
Rodrigo de Pool
Thin knots and the cabling conjecture
Robert DeYeso III
A new invariant of equivariant concordance and results on 2-bridge knots
Alessio Di Prisa, Giovanni Framba
Multitwists in big mapping class groups
George Domat, Federica Fanoni, Sebastian Hensel
Magnitude homology equivalence of Euclidean sets
Adrián Doña Mateo, Tom Leinster
RO(G)-graded Bredon cohomology of Euclidean configuration spaces
Daniel Dugger, Christy Hazel
Synthetic approach to the Quillen model structure on topological spaces
Sterling Ebel, Krzysztof Kapulkin
Hierarchies for Relatively Hyperbolic Virtually Special Groups
Eduard Einstein
All known realizations of complete Lie algebras coincide
Yves Félix, Mario Fuentes, Aniceto Murillo
Shrinking without doing much at all
Michael Freedman, Michael Starbird
Equivariant double-slice genus, stabilization, and equivariant stabilization
Malcolm Gabbard
Characterizations of stability via Morse limit sets
Jacob Garcia
Diffeomorphisms of the 4-sphere, Cerf theory and Montesinos twins
David T. Gay
On the resolution of kinks of curves on punctured surfaces
Christof Geiss, Daniel Labardini-Fragoso
Geometry of free extensions of free groups via automorphisms with fixed points on the complex of free factors
Pritam Ghosh, Funda Gültepe
Isospectrality of Margulis-Smilga spacetimes for irreducible representations of real split semisimple Lie groups
Sourav Ghosh
Meromorphic projective structures: signed spaces, grafting and monodromy
Spandan Ghosh, Subhojoy Gupta
Random Artin groups
Antoine Goldsborough, Nicolas Vaskou
The homotopy type of the PL cobordism category. II
Mauricio Gómez López
The homotopy type of the PL cobordism category. I
Mauricio Gómez López
The right angled artin group functor as a categorical embedding
Chris Grossack
Presheaves of groupoids as models for homotopy types
Léonard Guetta
The slices of quaternionic Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra
Bertrand J. Guillou, Carissa Slone
A minimality property for knots without Khovanov 2-torsion
Onkar Singh Gujral, Joshua Wang
Profinite completions of products
Peter J. Haine
On k-invariants for (infinity, n)-categories
Yonatan Harpaz, Joost Nuiten, Matan Prasma
Algebras for enriched infinity-operads
Rune Haugseng
Representation-graded Bredon homology of elementary abelian 2-groups
Markus Hausmann, Stefan Schwede
Twisted spectra revisited
Alice Hedenlund, Tasos Moulinos
Line bundle twists for unitary bordism are ghosts
Thorsten Hertl
Non-uniform lattices of large systole containing a fixed 3-manifold group
Paige Hillen
Holomorphic polygons and the bordered Heegaard Floer homology of link complements
Thomas Hockenhull
A K-theory spectrum for cobordism cut and paste groups
Renee S. Hoekzema, Carmen Rovi, Julia Semikina
Atiyah-Segal completion for the Hermitian K-theory of symplectic groups
Jens Hornbostel, Herman Rohrbach, Marcus Zibrowius
A-polynomials, Ptolemy equations and Dehn filling
Joshua A. Howie, Daniel V. Mathews, Jessica S. Purcell
Coarse Alexander duality for pairs and applications
G. Christopher Hruska, Emily Stark, Hùng Công Trần
Relative bounded cohomology on groups with contracting elements
Zhenguo Huangfu, Renxing Wan
Band diagrams of immersed surfaces in 4-manifolds
Mark Hughes, Seungwon Kim, Maggie Miller
The Curtis-Wellington spectral sequence through cohomology
Dana Hunter
Unbounded $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-laminations and their shear coordinates
Tsukasa Ishibashi, Shunsuke Kano
The structure of relatively hyperbolic groups in convex real projective geometry
Mitul Islam, Andrew Zimmer
The geometry of subgroup embeddings and asymptotic cones
Andy Jarnevic
On the involutive Heegaard Floer homology of negative semi-definite plumbed 3-manifolds with $b_{1}=1$
Peter K. Johnson
Bridge trisections and Seifert solids
Jason Joseph, Jeffrey Meier, Maggie Miller, Alexander Zupan
A geometric computation of cohomotopy groups in co-degree one
Michael Jung, Thomas O. Rot
Orbifolds, orbispaces and global homotopy theory
Branko Juran
Generating the liftable mapping class groups of cyclic covers of spheres
Pankaj Kapari, Kashyap Rajeevsarathy, Apeksha Sanghi
Real algebraic overtwisted contact structures on 3-spheres
Şeyma Karadereli, Ferit Öztürk
Finiteness conjecture for 3-manifolds obtained from handlebodies by attaching 2-handles
Hiroaki Karuo, Zhihao Wang
The space of non-extendable quasimorphisms
Morimichi Kawasaki, Mitsuaki Kimura, Shuhei Maruyama, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura
Product set growth in virtual subgroups of mapping class groups
Alice Kerr
The $\Z/p$-equivariant cohomology of genus zero Deligne-Mumford space with $1+p$ marked points
Dain Kim, Nicholas Wilkins
Linear upper bounds on ribbonlength of knots and links
Hyoungjun Kim, Sungjong No, Hyungkee Yoo
On the analog category of finite groups
Ben Knudsen, Shmuel Weinberger
Chris Kottke, Richard Melrose
Bernoulli shifts on additive categories and algebraic K-theory of wreath products
Julian Kranz, Shintaro Nishikawa
Pullbacks of metric bundles and Cannon-Thurston maps
Swathi Krishna, Pranab Sardar
Cubical approximation for directed topology II
Sanjeevi Krishnan
Fully augmented links in the thickened torus
Alice Kwon
A new twist on modular links from an old perspective
Khanh Q. Le
Calabi-Yau structure on the Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra of a Legendrian sphere
Noémie Legout
Fibered 3-manifolds and Veech groups
Christopher J. Leininger, Kasra Rafi, Nicholas Rouse, Emily Shinkle, Yvon Verberne
The Borel cohomology of free iterated loop spaces
Ishan Levy, Justin Wu
Explicit formulas for the Hattori-Stong theorem and applications
Ping Li, Wangyang Lin
A deformation of Asaeda-Przytycki-Sikora homology
Zhenkun Li, Yi Xie, Boyu Zhang
Annular links from Thompson's group T
Louisa Liles
Horizontal decompositions, II
Paolo Lisca, Andrea Parma
New results on tilings via cup products and Chern characters on tiling spaces
Jianlong Liu, Jonathan Rosenberg, Rodrigo Treviño
Constructing rational homology 3-spheres that bound rational homology 4-balls
Lisa Lokteva
Arithmetic representations of mapping class groups
Eduard Looijenga
Enriched quasi-categories and the templicial homotopy coherent nerve
Wendy Lowen, Arne Mertens
One point compactifications of configuration spaces and the self duality of the little disks operad
Connor Malin
Action of the Mazur pattern up to topological concordance
Alex Manchester
A higher Mackey functor description of algebras over an N∞-operad
Grégoire Marc
Anosov flows and Liouville pairs in dimension three
Thomas Massoni
Linear bounds of the crosscap number of knots
Rob McConkey
Interleaving distances, monoidal actions and 2-categories
Patrick K. McFaddin, Tom Needham
Flat fully augmented links are determined by their complements
Christian Millichap, Rolland Trapp
Warped product metrics on hyperbolic and complex hyperbolic manifolds
Barry Minemyer
Cubulating drilled bundles over graphs
Mahan Mj, Biswajit Nag
Localization of a $KO^{\ast}(\text{pt})$-valued index and the orientability of the $\mathrm{Pin}^-(2)$ monopole moduli space
Jin Miyazawa
A note on embeddings of 3-manifolds in symplectic 4-manifolds
Anubhav Mukherjee
The asymptotic behaviors of the colored Jones polynomials of the figure eight-knot, and an affine representation
Hitoshi Murakami
Building weight-free Følner sets for Yu's property A in coarse geometry
Graham A. Niblo, Nick Wright, Jiawen Zhang
Large volume fibered knots in 3-manifolds
J. Robert Oakley
Toward a topological description of Legendrian contact homology of unit conormal bundles
Yukihiro Okamoto
Rank-preserving additions for topological vector bundles, after a construction of Horrocks
Morgan Opie
Spherical $p$-group complexes arising from finite groups of Lie type
Kevin I. Piterman
Profinite rigidity properties of central extensions of 2-orbifold groups
Paweł Piwek
Cup-one algebras and 1-minimal models
Richard D. Porter, Alexander I. Suciu
Standard position for surfaces in link complements in arbitrary 3-manifolds
Jessica S. Purcell, Anastasiia Tsvietkova
An RBG construction of integral surgery homeomorphisms
Qianhe Qin
Positive intermediate Ricci curvature on connected sums
Philipp Reiser, David J. Wraith
Involutive Khovanov homology and equivariant knots
Taketo Sano
Equivariant intrinsic formality
Rekha Santhanam, Soumyadip Thandar
Powell's conjecture on the Goeritz group of S^3 is stably true
Martin Scharlemann
Recollements and stratification
Jay Shah
A note on knot Floer homology of satellite knots with (1,1)-patterns
Weizhe Shen
Higher symplectic capacities
Kyler Siegel
On the structure of the $RO(G)$-graded homotopy of $H\underline{M}$ for cyclic $p$-groups
Igor Sikora, Guoqi Yan
Homological stability for the ribbon Higman--Thompson groups
Rachel Skipper, Xiaolei Wu
Linear, linkless embeddings: Proof of a conjecture by Sachs
Lynn Stanfield
$\mathrm{K}$-cowaist on complete foliated manifolds
GuangXiang Su, Xiangsheng Wang
Virtual domination of 3-manifolds III
Hongbin Sun
Spaces over BO are thickened manifolds
Hiro Lee Tanaka
Non-commutative divergence and the Turaev cobracket
Toyo Taniguchi
An example of higher-dimensional Heegaard Floer homology
Yin Tian, Tianyu Yuan
On the topology of character varieties of once-punctured torus bundles
Stephan Tillmann, Youheng Yao
BNSR-invariants of surface Houghton groups
Noah Torgerson, Jeremy West
The Kakimizu complex for genus one hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere
Luis G. Valdez-Sánchez
The K-theory cochains of H-spaces and height 1 chromatic homotopy theory
Sven van Nigtevecht, Max Blans
Pre-Lie algebras with divided powers and the Deligne groupoid in positive characteristic
Marvin Verstraete
Verdier duality on conically smooth stratified spaces
Marco Volpe
Loop homology of moment-angle complexes in the flag case
Fedor Vylegzhanin
Characterising slopes for hyperbolic knots and Whitehead doubles
Laura Wakelin
Kauffman bracket intertwiners and the volume conjecture
Zhihao Wang
A note on rational maps with three branching points on the Riemann sphere
Zhiqiang Wei, Yingyi Wu, Bin Xu
Rigidity of elliptic genera for non-spin manifolds
Michael Wiemeler
On the homotopy groups of the suspended quaternionic projective plane and applications
Juxin Yang, Juno Mukai, Jie Wu
Product and coproduct on fixed point Floer homology of positive Dehn twists
Yuan Yao, Ziwen Zhao
$T$-equivariant motives of flag varieties
Can Yaylali
Cocycles of the space of long embeddings and BCR graphs with more than one loop
Leo Yoshioka
Zero stability for the one-row colored $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-Jones polynomial
Wataru Yuasa
Coarse and bi-Lipschitz embeddability of subspaces of the Gromov-Hausdorff space into Hilbert spaces
Nicolò Zava
Quillen homology of spectral Lie algebras with application to mod $p$ homology of labeled configuration spaces
Adela YiYu Zhang
Formality of sphere bundles
Jiawei Zhou