A central tool in the study of systems of linear equations with integer coefficients is
the generalised von Neumann theorem of Green and Tao. This theorem reduces the
task of counting the weighted solutions of these equations to that of counting
the weighted solutions for a particular family of forms, the Gowers norms
of the
In this paper we consider systems of linear inequalities with real coefficients, and
show that the number of solutions to such weighted diophantine inequalities may also
be bounded by Gowers norms. Furthermore, we provide a necessary and sufficient
condition for a system of real linear forms to be governed by Gowers norms in this
way. We present applications to cancellation of the Möbius function over certain
The machinery developed in this paper can be adapted to the case in which the
weights are unbounded but suitably pseudorandom, with applications to counting the
number of solutions to diophantine inequalities over the primes. Substantial extra
difficulties occur in this setting, however, and we have prepared a separate paper on
these issues.
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