We discuss the classification of strongly regular vertex operator algebras (VOAs) with
exactly three simple modules whose character vector satisfies a monic modular linear
differential equation with irreducible monodromy. Our main theorem provides a
classification of all such VOAs in the form of one infinite family of affine VOAs, one
individual affine algebra and two Virasoro algebras, together with a family of
eleven exceptional character vectors and associated data that we call the
-series. We prove that
there are at least
VOAs in the
occurring as commutants in a Schellekens list holomorphic VOA. These include the affine algebra
and Höhn’s baby
monster VOA
but the other
seem to be new. The idea in the proof of our main theorem is to exploit properties of
a family of vector-valued modular forms with rational functions as Fourier
coefficients, which solves a family of modular linear differential equations in terms of
generalized hypergeometric series.
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