Malle proposed a conjecture for counting the number of
with discriminant
bounded above by
, where
is a fixed transitive
tends towards infinity. We introduce a refinement of Malle’s conjecture, if
is a group
with a nontrivial Galois action then we consider the set of crossed homomorphisms in
(or equivalently
with bounded discriminant. This has a natural interpretation given by counting
for some fixed
and prescribed
extension class
is an abelian group with any Galois action, we compute the
asymptotic growth rate of this refined counting function for
equivalently for
and show that it is a natural generalization of Malle’s conjecture. The proof
technique is in essence an application of a theorem of Wiles on generalized Selmer
groups, and additionally gives the asymptotic main term when restricted to certain
local behaviors. As a consequence, whenever the inverse Galois problem is solved for
has an abelian normal
we prove a
nontrivial lower bound for
given by a nonzero power of
times a power of
For many groups, including many solvable groups, these are the first known
nontrivial lower bounds. These bounds prove Malle’s predicted lower bounds for a
large family of groups, and for an infinite subfamily they generalize Klüners’
counterexample to Malle’s conjecture and verify the corrected lower bounds predicted
by Türkelli.
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