Noncommutative hypersurfaces, in particular, noncommutative quadric hypersurfaces
are major objects of study in noncommutative algebraic geometry. In the commutative
case, Knörrer’s periodicity theorem is a powerful tool to study Cohen–Macaulay
representation theory since it reduces the number of variables in computing the stable
of maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over a hypersurface
. In this paper,
we prove a noncommutative graded version of Knörrer’s periodicity theorem. Moreover,
we prove another way to reduce the number of variables in computing the stable category
of graded maximal
Cohen–Macaulay modules if
is a noncommutative quadric hypersurface. Under the high rank
property defined in this paper, we also show that computing
over a noncommutative smooth quadric hypersurface
in up to six
variables can be reduced to one or two variable cases. In addition, we give a complete classification
over a smooth
quadric hypersurface
in a skew
without high rank property using graphical methods.
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